


A  B  C  D  E-F  G  H  I-J-K  L  M  N-O  P-Q  R  S  T-U-V  W-X  Y-Z


Note:  Spellings are as they appear in the originals.  This includes the use of the letter “f” in place of the letter “s” in earlier notices. (e.g. “Mifs” = “Miss”  or  “fifter” = “sister”)




Date / Source


Dr. J. E.


MABEE - Entered into rest at his home, Odessa, on Tuesday, August 20, 1940, Dr. J. E. Mabee, dear husband of B. Decker, formerly of Whitby, and father of Dr. H. C. Mabee, Kingston, Ontario.  Funeral will take place from his late residence on Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock (Daylight Saving time).  Friends and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend.  Interment at Cataraqui Cemetery.  Masonic service..


Dr. J. E. Mabee Medical man For 53 Years -

Funeral services for the late Dr. J. E. Mabee, who died at his home in Odessa late Tuesday morning, will be conducted at his residence Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock (D.S.T.) Interment will be at Cataraqui Cemetery and a Masonic service will be held.

The death of Dr. Mabee removed the oldest practising physician in this part of the country for it was for 53 years that Dr. Mabee practised his profession, always at Odessa.  For 52 years of that he was medical health officer of the Township of Ernestown, a record believed to be unequalled anywhere in Canada.  The late Dr. Mabee was born May 22, 1851, in the Township of Louth, near Beamsville, the son of Thomas Mabee of Prince Edward County and Amanda Tinlin of Beamsville.  The family moved to Odessa when Dr. Mabee was six years old and outside of the time he was in attendance at Queen’s University, he had resided in Odessa.  He was educated there, going on to Queen’s University in the medical school from which he graduated in 1887.  He went right back to Odessa, bought out the practice of Dr. Thomas Beeman, started in to practise medicine and continued there ever since.  Dr. Mabee was known all over the countryside.  He was a friend and counsellor to the great majority of the people of the community and not only attended to their medical and surgical needs but shared their troubles and joys.  He was the typical family doctor, confidant and thoroughly interested friend, all rolled into one.  Despite his long years of practice, he had not actually retired from the profession, though of late he had not done extensive work.

He was ill in bed only a little more than a week.  He had been in Bloomfield on August 9 to see his first cousin, P.A. Mabee, whose wife died last May.  They had been married 77 years.

Honored Doctor -

Dr. Mabee was a member of the Frontenac Medical Association and the Lennox and Addington Medical Association.  He was a life member of the Ontario Medical Association.  Three years ago he was honoured by the Frontenac Medical Society when he had completed fifty years of medical practice.  A dinner was tendered in his honor at the Kingston General Hospital and he was presented with a gold-headed cane and the warm congratulations of members of the medical profession.  He was a member of the Independent Order of Foresters, Chosen Friends, Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Prince Arthur Masonic Lodge, all of Odessa.  He was also a member of the Eastern Star.  During the first World War he took a keen interest in the work of the Red Cross and played a leading part of the activities of the Red Cross in the Odessa district.

The deceased doctor had also taken an active interest in the militia in his younger days and succeeded Lt.-Col. Cox of Enterprise as commanding officer of the old 47th Regiment, which had a company in Odessa.  He was a member of the United Church.

He married twice.  His first wife was Frances Storms of Odessa, who died in 1888.  To this union were born one son, Dr. Horace Mabee, William Street, Kingston, and one daughter, Grace, who died at the age of 16 years.  Dr. Mabee married Beatrice Decker of Whitby in 1903, who survives.









DIED - At Bath, on Tuesday last, after a short illness. George Macauley, Esq, Barrister at Law, much regretted by a numerous circle of friends and acquaintances.


Aug 9 1828






In Memoriam - The Late Miss Macdonald

Miss Macdonald, only sister of Sir John A. Macdonald, died at three o'clock on Sunday morning. About two weeks ago her illness assumed a serious aspect, and since that time she has been gradually growing worse. Her disease was the result of a heart affection from which she suffered for many years. The deceased was seventy years of age, several years younger than the premier. She was a resident of Kingston for nearly half a century, residing with her brother while he lived here, and for the past twenty years with her brother-in-law, Rev. Dr. Williamson, of Queen's University. She was mild and gentle in character and disposition, and beloved by all with whom she came in contact. She was a woman of much ability, well read and brilliant in conversation. She bubbled over with humour and wit, even eclipsing her eminent brother in rapartee. She was of generous and noble impulse, and quite religious. For years she was connected with St. Andrew's church. Although an invalid for the best part of her life, she ever maintained patience and resignation. Sir John arrived here yesterday, but his sister had departed this life. Mr. McIntrye broke the news to him. The funeral occurs tomorrow morning.


Nov 19 1888

Daily British Whig




Death of Mrs. Macdonald

The death of Mrs. Macdonald, relict of the late Hugh Macdonald, Esq., and mother of the Hon. John a. Macdonald, Ex-Attorney General, will be found noted in the appropriate place. This lady, by her relationship to the ex-Premier, was known all over the Province, and her death will be heard with regret by hundreds who have met her in social intercourse and partaken of her hospitality. Thousands also of Mr. Macdonald's personal friends will condole with him in his affliction at the loss of an estimable parent. The deceased lady died at the advanced age of 85 years, and was perhaps the last connecting link of an old circle of Kingston society. Her demise has deprived the city of one more of its oldest inhabitants - those who remember Kingston in the early days of its settlement, and are intimately acquainted with each subsequent development of its growth into political and commercial importance.


Oct 27 1862

Kingston Daily News




DIED - At Mount Pleasant, In Marysburgh, on the 7th inst., much and justly regretted, by an extensive circle of friends, Archibald Macdonell Esquire, on the half pay of the 84th Regiment, and Col, of the Prince Edward Militia, aged 87.


June 12 1830




Catharine Augusta


The Late Mrs. MacDougall.  Death occurred in this city on Friday, Jan 21st of Mrs. Catharine Augusta MacDougall, at the advance age of ninety-one years.  She had been an invalid for the past six years, so the end was not unexpected.  She is survived by one son, Major-General Charles MacDougall, D.M.G., Hamilton, Bermuda, and by one daughter, Mrs. Alexander Kirkpatrick, with whom she resided.  There are five grandchildren, Major Keith MacDougall, Halifax, N.S.;  A.M. Kirkpatrick, Windsor, Ont.; George Kirkpatrick, Toronto;  Mrs. Cecil Adams, Chatham, England, and Mrs. J.C. Murchie of this city.



From the Watson Scrapbooks



John MacDonel, Fredericksburgh, buried 17 June 1798.


Langhorn's Anglican Registers

1787 - 1814


Willina Helen


Miss W.H. MacPherson

Kingston lost one of its well known and kindest of residents on Saturday afternoon in the person of Miss Willina Helen MacPherson, who resided at 30 Sydenham street and who was born in Napanee in the year 1836 coming to this city when a young girl.

She was the daughter of the late Allan MacPherson and also a grand-daughter of the late Col. Donald MacPherson. Her mother was Mary Fisher, daughter of the late Judge Fisher of Hay Bay. In religion the deceased was a Presbyterian and a faithful member of St. Andrew’s church. Many kind friends had been made by her through the kind and loving disposition which she had always manifested. Her passing removes the last member of her family.

The funeral will be conducted to Cataraqui Cemetery on Tuesday morning where the remains will be interred in the family burying plot. It will be of a private nature and Rev. Dr. Torrance will officiate at the service to be held at the residence.



Apr 24 1916

Kingston Whig Standard





Old Picton Resident Passes

One of the old residents of Picton passed away on Sunday in the person of John MacGillivray, aged eighty-three years. Mr. MacGillivray had been in failing health for some time. On Sunday he started for a walk and dropped dead. Mr. MacGillivray was born in the north of Scotland in 1837 coming to Canada with his parents when a small child, settling first in Kingston and later in Adolphustown. As a young man he moved to Picton, where he has since resided. He served in the Fenian raid of 1866 as a non-commissioned officer. His wife, whose maiden name was Adeline Williams, survives him, also a family of four children, one son, Rev. (Capt.) John MacGillivray, pastor of the Presbyterian church, St. Thomas, and three daughters, Mrs. W.J. Jewell, Napanee and Mrs. Clarence Way and Mrs. Insley, Picton.


July 8 1920

Weekly British Whig



Katy, dau of William and Katreen MacGraw, Fredericksburgh, buried 17 Feb 1797.


Langhorn's Anglican Registers

1787 - 1814



Samuel, son of On and Catharine MacGraw, Fredericksburgh, buried 30 Aug 1794.


Langhorn's Anglican Registers

1787 - 1814




ANNE MACK - NAPANEE - The funeral of Anne Mack, three-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mack of Dorland, who passed away at the home of her parents, was held on Thursday morning at the Tierney funeral home.  Gordon K. Stewart, student minister .  There was a large attendance and at Adolphustown officiated  many floral tributes. [sic] During the service Betty Robbins sang "Safe in the Arms of Jesus" with Mrs. B. M. Black as accompanist.  Interment took place at Adolphustown.


ANNE MACK - DORLAND, Ont. -  The funeral of the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mack, three-months-old Ann, who died on Sept 28 at Kingston General Hospital was held from Tierney's funeral home.  The service was conducted by Mr. G. K. Stewart, student minister.  During the service Betty Robbins sang "Safe in the Arms of Jesus" with Mrs. B. M. Black as accompanist.  Interment took place at Dorland Cemetery.


Oct 1 1949

Oct 4 1949

Kingston Whig Standard


Beatrice Elizabeth


MACK - Mrs. Beatrice Elizabeth.  At the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital, Picton on Sunday, May 12, 1974, Beatrice Elizabeth Franklin in her 87th year, beloved wife of the late Stephen H. Mack, dear mother of Gordon, Napanee;  James, Odessa;  John, Adolphustown, Mrs. William Punchard (Gwendolyn), RR 2, Napanee and Leo, Adolphustown, dear sister of George Franklin, Chaffey’s Locks.  Mrs. Mack is resting at the Tierney Funeral Home, Napanee.  Funeral service at Dorland United Church on Wednesday, May 15, at 2 p.m.  Rev. G. S. Froese, Conway officiating. Interment Dorland United Church Cemetery.


Beatrice Elizabeth May Mack - Beatrice Elizabeth May Mack passed away at Picton Memorial Hospital on May 12, 1974. She was in her 87th year.

Mrs. Mack was predeceased by her husband Steven Henry on March 30, 1959.

Surviving are the family, four sons, Gordon, James, John, Leo and one daughter, Mrs. William Punchard (Gwendolyn). One brother, George Franklin of Chaffeifs Loches. She leaves 18 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren.

The funeral service was held from Adolphustown United church with Mr. G.S. Froese officiating.

Pallbearers were her grandsons, Donald, Freddie, Wilfred, Johnnie and Garry and Billie Punchard.

Interment was in the Adolphustown United church cemetery.


May 14 1974

Kingston Whig Standard







*  see Abrams, Elma (nee Mack)





MACK - In South Fredericksburgh, on 9th March, Emeline Mack, aged 28 years.


March 17 1894

Daily British Whig



Gordon Edgar


MACK, Gordon Edgar – At Kingston General Hospital, Friday, July 8, 1977, Gordon E. Mack, Napanee, in his 64th year, beloved husband of Ida May Brown, dear father of Douglas, RR 2 Napanee; Mrs. Ronald Brooks (Margaret), RR 3 Roblin; and Donald, Napanee; lovingly missed by five grandchildren; dear brother of James, Odessa; John, Mrs. William Punchard (Gwendolyn) and Leo, RR 2 Napanee. Mr. Mack is resting at the Tierney Funeral Home, Napanee. Funeral service in Adolphustown United Church on Monday, July 11 at 11 a.m. Rev. A.L. Hobbs, Bath, officiating. Interment Adolphustown United Church Cemetery. Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated by the family. Friends will be received 7-9 p.m. Saturday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Sunday.


July 9 1977

Kingston Whig Standard


John Henry


MACK - AT Adolphustown, on Wednesday, July 2nd, John Henry Mack, aged 73 years.


July 9 1930

Napanee Beaver




MACK – In Kingston at the Hotel Dieu Hospital on April 2nd 1935, Mrs. Josephine Mack of Adolphustown, widow of the late John Mack and mother of Mrs. Leonard Hepburn, 203 Sydenham Street. Funeral will take place from her son’s residence, Stephen Mack, Adolphustown.


Apr 2 1935

Kingston Whig Standard


Mary Alma

(nee McIlwaine)


Mack, Mary Alma (nee McIlwaine) - Peacefully at the Village Green Nursing Home, Selby on Sunday, January 21, 2001, in her 84th year. Beloved wife of the late John H. Mack, dear mother of Ralph, Napanee, John and Carol, RR #2 Napanee; Linda and George Magee, Odessa and Rosemary and Norman Snider, RR #2 Napanee. Sadly missed by her 11 grandchildren and 17 great grandchildren. Survived by her sisters: Marjorie Windover, Oshawa and Helen Gallagher, Kingston. predeceased by a sister, Jean Oliver and brothers R.J. McIlwaine and Morley McIlwaine. Fondly remembered by her many nieces and nephews. The family will receive friends at the Wartman Funeral Home, 448 Camden road, Napanee on Tuesday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Funeral Service in the chapel on Wednesday at 11 a.m. Interment Riverview Cemetery. Friends desiring may contributed to the Alzheimer Society or the village Green Nursing Home.


Jan 2001

Napanee Beaver


Stephen Henry



Suddenly at his home at Dorland, on March 30, 1959, Stephen Henry Mack died in his 70th year.  Deceased was a son of the late John Henry Mack and Josephine Smith. 

He farmed in Adolphustown for 40 years and had been road superintendent for 20 years.  He also was on the trustee board of the Adolphustown United church and was a director of the U.E.L. Cheese Factory. 

Surviving are his wife, the former Beatrice Franklin, and four sons, Gordon, R. R. 2 Napanee;, James of Dorland;  John, R. R. 2 Napanee, and Leo, of Dorland;  and a daughter, Mrs. William Punchard (Gwendolyn), Dorland.  Two brothers, Angus and Clarence , of Saskatchewan, a sister, Mrs. a. Hepburn; a brother, Noel, Toronto, as well as seven grandchildren and one great-grandson, also survive.

The funeral service was from the Adolphustown United Church, George Southall, student minister, officiating.  Pall-bearers were Reeve Joseph Shelley, Ross Allison, Roy Smith, William Brooks, Maurice Baldwin, Donald Reynolds.

Flower-bearers were James Donovan, Orval McCrudden, Jack Roblin, Harold Grooms, Jack Prout, Perry Hawley and Jack Duffett.

Interment was at Adolphustown United Church Cemetery.



Lloyd Scrapbook




In Rochester, Dec. 27th, 1907, Mary MacKenzie, aged twenty-five years, eldest daughter of Allan MacKenzie, 46 Division street, Kingston.  Funeral Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 o’clock.  Friends and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend.



Death of Miss Mary Mackenzie, in Rochester -

In the midst of her studies, by which she was preparing herself to become a medical missionary, Miss Mary Mackenzie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mackenzie, passed peacefully to rest, at the Medical Missions Training School, Rochester, N.Y., on Friday morning.  She had been ill but a few hours, with that treacherous disease, pneumonia, when she said to those with her that she thought she would go to sleep.  Thus easily she slipped from the lower to the higher training school.  Miss Mackenzie, who was the beloved elder sister of a family of nine children, graduated from Toronto General Hospital training school for nurses, a short time ago and was but twenty-five years old.  Four brothers and four sisters survive, Misses Elsie, Janet, Mima and Maggie at home;  Allan, New York;  William, St. Louis;  Duncan and Kenneth, of this city.  William Young, an uncle, and Allan Mackenzie brought the body from Rochester to this city for burial;  the funeral will take place to-morrow.  Miss Mackenzie was a member of Chalmers church and many friends will grieve deeply at her death. 


Daily British Whig


Mon Dec 30 1907



   *   see Herchmer, Miss (nee Mackenzie)


John Vincent


MACLAREN - On the 7th inst., in this city at 83 Wellesley Street, John Vincent, only son of John J. Maclaren, aged 4 years 3 months and 20 days.


May 12 1886

The Christian Guardian


   *  see McLaurin



Rose, or Rosenna MacLea, Fredericksburgh, buried 26 Nov 1793.


Langhorn's Anglican Registers

1787 - 1814



Daniel, son of Daniel and Catharine MacMullan, Fredericksburgh, buried 7 Sept 1788.


Langhorn's Anglican Registers

1787 - 1814




DIED - At Hallowell, on the 28th May, at the house of her son, I.P. MacPherson, Esq. Ann Macpherson, relict of the late Lieut Col D. MacPherson, 4th R.V.B. aged 64 years.


June 2 1835

British Whig




At Napanee, on the 19th ult, Lieut Donald MacPherson, half pay of the 15th Regt. of Foot.


Oct 15 1831






On Tuesday at Ernest Town, Mr. Duncan MacPherson.

Sept 27 1828




Mary Hesford


DIED - At Napanee, on Monday the 5th inst., MARY HESFORD, second daughter of Allan MacPherson Esq., aged 7 years.


Apr 7 1841


Chronicle &




Nelly, dau of Felix and Margaret MacPherson, Fredericksburgh, buried 28 Aug 1790.


Langhorn's Anglican Registers

1787 - 1814



(nee Downey)


The late Mrs. A. MacRossie

Mary Downey MacRossie, widow of Alexander MacRossie, died Tuesday, May 11th at the home of her son-in-law, G.C. Henking, Enfield, Conn. She was born at Fredericksburgh, the daughter of the late Ellen and Thomas Downey. At the time of her marriage in 1869, she removed to Napanee, where she lived until a few years ago, when she went to New England to make her home with her children. Of these she leaves three: Mrs. G.C. Henking and Elizabeth S. MacRossie, Enfield, Conn., and Dr. T. Donald MacRossie, Brooklyn, N.Y. Another son, George died six years ago. She is also survived by a grandson, Henry C. Henking, and three brothers, George Downey, Kingston; John, Belleville; and James, San Diego, California. The funeral was held Thursday from her late residence, the Rev. Glenn B. Coykendall, St. Andrew’s church, of which she was a member, officiating, and burial took place in the family plot in Springfield cemetery.


May 20 1920

Daily British Whig


Annie M.

   * see Carter, Annie M.




MacWILLIAM - In Kingston General Hospital, on March 26th, 1920, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. MacWilliam.


Daily British Whig, Kingston

Mar 29, 1920




Obituary - Andrew Madden

Another one of the oldest and best known residents of Napanee passed away on Thursday, February 19th, in the person of Andrew Madden. He was born in North Fredericksburgh, Kingston Road, about a mile and a half from Napanee, son of the late William Madden, on September 3rd, 1843. On the 29th of January, 1874, he was married to Lydia A. Rose at Napanee. The late Mr. Madden was in the grocery and butcher business for a number of years, in partnership with his late brother, Stephen. With the exception of six years at Deseronto he spent his long life in Napanee. His illness has troubled him slightly for years, but he was taken down in bed since September and gradually became weaker, with very severe suffering. The deceased was a life long member of Trinity United Church. The funeral service was held on Saturday afternoon from his late residence, Robert Street, conducted by Rev. Harry Pawson of Trinity United Church and assisted by Rev. A.J. Wilson of St. Andrew's. The remains were placed in Riverside vault, interment to take place in the Spring. He left to mourn his loss, his widow, who was very ill at his death and who passed away three days later, almost at the same hour; one elder brother, Robert, and the youngest brother, James F. Madden, besides a number of nieces and nephews.


Feb 25 1931

Napanee Beaver


Andrew Wesley


On the morning of the 5th instant, in the township of Camden, as Mr. Hammel Madden and his sons were employed in raising a new building, it unexpectedly fell, and instantly killed one of his sons, by the name of Andrew Wesley, aged 12 years, and broke the thigh of another, aged 19.  Mr. Madden and his other sons escaped unhurt.  Truly it may be said, in the  midst of life we are in death.


June 12 1830




Eliza Ann

(nee McAffee)


Death of Mrs. Robt. Madden. - Eliza Ann McAfee, wife of Mr. Robert Madden, died at her home near Napanee Mills, on Saturday last, 2d Jan., aged 66 years and 8 months. Deceased was a daughter of the late James McAffee, of Adolphustown, and was born on the Platt farm. Mrs. Madden was taken ill last May, her illness finally culminating in consumption. Deceased was a life-long member of the Methodist church, and beloved by all who came in contact with her or had the pleasure of her acquaintance. Mrs. Madden was descended from U. E. Loyalist stock. Besides her bereaved husband, she leaves four sons, Messrs. E. J., of Newburgh; James H., Napanee, and John N. and George, on the farm. She also leaves three sisters, Mrs. Garrett Miller, Bracebridge; Mrs. Anthony Miller, Mount Albert, and Mrs. McAffee, of Napanee. The funeral took place on Tuesday and was conducted by Revs. McCulloch and Whyte, and was very largely attended.


Jan 8 1897

Napanee Beaver




At North Fredericksburgh, on Sunday, 16th, inst., Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Wm. Madden, in her 66th year.


Feb 20 1879

Napanee Standard




JAMES MADDEN -  Was born in Belleville in the year 1852, and died at Chatham, Ont., Dec. 19th, 1885.  He was a brother of the late Rev. C.C. Madden, of the London Conference Methodist Church of Canada.  Bro. Madden was blessed with truly Christian parents, and during his childhood was surrounded by holy influences;  at the age of nine years he was converted at a camp meeting, held at Kingston, and from that time rejoiced in the evidence of his acceptance through the Precious Blood.  The writer became acquainted with Bro. Madden while stationed at Chatham, where he was attending high school  His thought and aspirations then were toward the Methodist ministry.  As a student he was earnest, and his Christian example produced good effect.  Through change of circumstances he was unable to pursue his studies.  He removed to the North - West, and engaged in evangelistic work.   On his return to Chatham he found the Salvation Army at work, he saw then a field for service, and joined the ranks;   his promotion was rapid.  He became staff-captain and divisional officer of the Kingston Division.  His subsequent career, including his persecution and imprisonment at Montreal, has been freely noticed in the Army papers.  Bro. Madden fell a prey to consumption and his death no doubt was hastened by hard work and exposure.  He was sick for nearly twelve months.  He bore his illness with marked patience and resignation. On being asked if Jesus was precious he replied “His presence fills the room.”  His end was peace;  without a sigh or groan he fell asleep in Jesus.  “He was a good man and full of the Holy Ghost.”  [signed] G.R.T.


July 28 1886

Christian Guardian



(nee Johnston)


Mrs. Stephen Madden - Jane Johnston, widow of the late Stephen Madden, of Napanee, passed away at her home in Toronto early Friday morning, January 30th.  The late Mrs. Madden was confined to her bed two weeks before her death with pleurisy and pneumonia, but hopes for her recovery were looked for until Thursday morning, when she changed and slept peacefully away at the last. 

Mrs. Madden was born at Farnham, Que., in 1855, and lived there until a few years before her marriage, then living in Napanee until the death of her husband four years ago on New Year’s Day.  Then she moved to Toronto to live with her two sons and daughter.

The funeral was held in Toronto, from her residence, 179 Delaware Ave., on Sunday afternoon, at 3 o’clock, at which her Pastor, Rev. r. s. Johnston, of West Presbyterian Church, officiated, and spoke well of the deceased.  He was assisted by Rev. G. H. Purchase, of Belfair Methodist church, and Rev. I. G. Bowles, of Wesley Methodist church, friends of the family.

The remains were taken to Ellis Bros. chapel to await interment, and on Monday morning brought to Napanee.  The funeral services were conducted at 2.30 p.m., at the home of Mr. Andrew Madden, at which the Rev. A. J. Wilson, of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, her former Pastor, officiated.

There are left to mourn her loss two sons and two daughters, Mr. Bruce R. Madden, Orval C. Madden and Miss Lillian C. Madden, of Toronto, Mrs. R. R. Best, of Wellington, one sister, Mrs. Geo. Stone, of Maple island, Ont., and two brothers, Mr. M. H. Johnston, Burks Falls, Ont., and Mr. J. I. Johnston, Wayland, Mich.  Wilkie H. Madden, the eldest son passed away seven years ago.  The beautiful flowers testify the esteem in which the deceased was held.


Feb 6 1925

Napanee Beaver




DIED - At Ernest Town on the 7th inst., JOHN MADDEN, in his ninety-sixth year.  Mr. Madden was a native of Ireland, from whence he emigrated to America at an early age.  He came into Canada in the year 1796, and was one of the U.E. Loyalists.  He has left now living in Canada, six sons, two daughters, thirty eight grand children, and one or two great grandchildren, the most of whom were present at his funeral - Communicated

9th June 1819


June 11 1819




Lydia A.


Mrs. Andrew Madden

On Sunday, February 22nd, the wife of the late Andrew Madden passed away, just three days following the death of her husband. Both were very ill at the same time and beyond recovery, notwithstanding careful nursing and medical help. Before marriage, she was Lydia A. Rose, born in Lowville N.Y., but came to Napanee when very young and spent most of her life here. They had a great trial to bear when they lost their five children from 1876 to 1888. Last spring the late Mrs. Madden underwent an operation to improve her health, but gradually grew weaker. A woman of sterling qualities, wonderful character, very kind and sympathetic with all whom she came in contact, and most highly respected by everybody who knew her, she was a member and faithful worker of Trinity United Church. She was the last one of her family, only a nephew and niece surviving.


Feb 25 1931

Napanee Beaver


Percy Robert


MADDEN - At the Hotel Dieu hospital, Kingston, on Thursday, Nov. 24, 1960; Percy Robert Madden, South Napanee, beloved husband of Sarah Ellen Wells, in his 78th year.  Rested at the Wartman Funeral Home for funeral service in the chapel, on Saturday, Nov. 26, 1960, at 3:30 p.m.  Rev. W; K. Pace officiated; interment, Riverside cemetery.


Dec 1 1960






William Madden, who died on Saturday, was one of the pioneers of the township of North Fredericksburgh. He was the son of Robert madden, of U.E. loyalist stock, and was born in the 6th concession, Ernesttown, in 1804, being at death ninety-two years old. He settled on the farm on which he died (York road) when he was twenty-eight years of age. His wife was Mrs. Woods, and preceded him to the grave eighteen years ago. Only one brother survives Wesley, of Pentanguishene. He was a man of sterling qualities, a kind father, and will be missed by neighbors and friends. Four sons survive: Stephen and Andrew, Napanee; Robert and James, York road. Two daughters preceded him to the grave some years ago.


Sept 23 1896

Daily British Whig


Marshall Seymour


After an illness of several months, Mr. M. S. Madole passed away on Wednesday morning, Sept 18th.  The end was not unexpected as he had been suffering from Artero Sclerosis for some time.  Mr. Madole had entered probably more fully into the business, political, municipal and church life of the community than any other man in Napanee.  He served successfully as Councillor and Mayor at the council board, and was at his death a member of the Board of Education.  Twice he successfully contested Lennox in the Liberal Interest, his opponent in both instances being the late T. G. Carscallen.  For many years Mr. Madole had been one of the strongest and most faithful members of Grace Methodist Church and Sunday School and an ardent supporter of every movement to increase the spiritual and material welfare of the church.  In business Mr. Madole was known all over the county and highly respected.  Among other hardware dealers he was also honoured by being elected president of their association. Besides his widow he leaves three daughters, Mrs. Reddick, Napanee, Mrs., Allen, New York, and Miss Maisie at home.  The funeral took place from his late residence Friday afternoon.  Private service was held at the home and a public service in Grace Church. –Napanee Express.



(ca 1916-20)

From the  Watson Scrapbooks


  *  see also ‘McGee’


Albert Malcolm


Funeral of Albert Malcolm Magee, 52, of 89 Gore street, who died Saturday in Toronto General Hospital, after an illness of three months, was held from the Cullen funeral home this afternoon at two o’clock. Rev. Franklin Banister officiated, assisted by Rev. Dr. George Brown. Interment was in Glenwood Cemetery, Picton.

Pall-bearers, cousins of Mr. Magee were George Magee, Ercel Foster, Harold Magee, Frederick Dickson, Lawrence Magee and James Bird.

Born in Sillsville, Mr. Magee was the son of the late Jennie Love and Alexander Magee. Living in Kingston for the last 15 years, he was a service foreman at Edward’s Motor Sales but due to ill health he had retired three months ago. Mr. Magee was a member of Chalmers Church.

Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. J. Minaker (Jean) and Evelyn Magee, both of Kingston and three brothers, Edwin, Lewis and Everett, all of Sillsville. Mr. Magee was predeceased by his wife, the former Genevieve Smith seven months ago.


Nov 20 1950

Kingston Whig Standard




Alexander Magee

The death occurred at his home, South Fredericksburgh, on Saturday, April 24th, 1948, of Mr. Alexander Magee, after a short illness.

Mr. Magee was born in Donegal, Ireland, in 1862, the son of Robert Magee and Annabella Anderson. In 1869, the family came to Canada, spending one year at Bongards in Prince Edward County. The next year they moved to South Fredericksburgh where Alexander Magee resided for seventy-eight years.

In 1897 he was united in marriage to Jennie Love, of Black Creek, who preceded him in 1934. He was the last of the family of six brothers and one sister. He is survived by four sons, Albert of Kingston, Edwin on the homestead, Louis of Temagami, Everett of Sillsville; and two daughters, Mrs. G.L. Minaker, of Milford, and Evelyn, besides grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

All his life he was a staunch Liberal in politics, a member of the United Church and a highly respected citizen. The funeral service was held at his late residence, Monday afternoon, April 26th, and was largely attended. Rev. H.G. Steers officiated and interment was made in the U.E.L. Cemetery at Adolphustown. The pall-bearers were six nephews: Messrs. George, Harold, Keith and Lawrence Magee, Fred Dickson and James Bird.


Memorial Card:

In Memory of Alexander Magee, Beloved husband of the late Jennie M. Love, who passed away at South Fredericksburgh on Saturday, April 24th, 1948, in his 86th year.  Resting at his late residence for funeral service on Monday, April 26th at 2.30 p.m. (D.S.T.) Rev. H.J. Steers officiating. Interment Dorland Cemetery



May 10 1948

Kingston Whig Standard


April 1948

Tibbutt Scrapbooks




Magee - At Adolphustown, Sunday, December 29th, 1935, Andrew Magee, aged 80 years.


Loses Life in Fire

Napanee, Ont., Dec. 29 - Andrew Magee, 62 year old farmer of Adolphustown Township, twenty miles south of here, lost his life today when fire destroyed his home. Mrs. Magee was rescued.


Obituary - The Late Andrew Magee

Andrew Magee, who lost his life in the fire which destroyed his home during the early morning hours of Sunday December 29th, was born in Donegal County, Ireland, on September 14th, 1855. He was the fourth son of the late Robert Magee and Annabella Anderson and came, with the rest of the family to Canada at the age of fourteen years, and settled two years later on the farm adjoining the one on which he died. He afterward learned the carpenter trade and spent three years in California in that work. On his marriage to Miss Ida Love, of Prince Edward County, he purchased his farm and only worked at his trade occasionally.

Besides his widow, he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Ercell Foster and Mrs. James Bird, and three sons, George, Harold and Keith, and six grandchildren; also two brothers, John and Alexander, and one sister, Mrs. James Dickson. Four brothers, Samuel, Joseph, William and Robert predeceased him, Robert only a few months ago.

In religion Mr. Magee was a Methodist, later United Church, and in politics, a Liberal.

The remains were tenderly laid to rest in the Adolphustown Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. Four nephews, Lawrence, Edwin and Lewis Magee and Fred Dickson, acted as pall bearers. Afterward a memorial service in the church  was conducted by the pastor, Rev. G.W. Gardner, who spoke from Revelations, chapter 21, verse 16. "And the city lieth foursquare." In a brief discourse he made heaven seem very real.


Jan 1 1936

Napanee Beaver


Dec 30, 1935




Dec 29 1935





(nee Anderson)


Mrs. Annabella (Anderson) Magee

Mrs. Robert Magee, daughter of James Anderson and Ann Jane McCornock was born at Fermanagh, Ireland January 2 1829 and died at the Union appointment on the Adolphustown circuit, December 18, 1887. At the age of nineteen, she was married to Robert Magee of Donegal, Ireland, July 13, 1848. They came to this country in the year 1869 and settled first in Prince Edward County, on the Bay of Quinte, where they remained one year. Then they moved to Adolphustown and in 1872 settled in the old farm at Hay Bay where after years of labor she entered into rest.

Mrs. Magee was the mother of eight children, seven sons and one daughter. One son, Samuel, died in the triumphs of the Christian faith a few years ago. I have seen many suffer much, but few so patiently, so fully resigned, calm and peaceful, waiting the call of the Master, as did Sister Magee. She spoke frequently and freely of the approaching hour. She knew it was coming and knew it was near, and yet never lost confidence in God or spoke of it without hope. She was always ready to converse on the subject of religion. Her home was a cheerful place of rest for the Methodist ministers in this country, and also in Ireland. Their house was open for services, and I have heard her tell of many seasons of refreshing she had in the meetings held in their own house in the old country.

Mrs. Magee was a Methodist of the fourth generation. It is said by one who has the record of their ancestors many years back that not one was addicted to drinking habits or using tobacco in any form, and all have been either members of or adherents to the Methodist Church.

Sister Magee lived well, and died as she lived. According to her request, her six sons bore her remains to the gravel. As her pastor was unable to attend her funeral, her former pastor, Rev. W.R. Young, preached a very comforting sermon from Matt. XXVIII 6: Come, see the place where the Lord lay.  (Rev. M.J. Bates)

Mrs. Magee was laid to rest in the U.E.L. Methodist Church Cemetery in Adolphustown. Since 925, this church has been known as the U.E.L. Memorial United Church of Adolphustown.


Stray Clipping




Magee, Annabelle - At Kingston  on Tuesday, February 26, 1974, Annabelle Magee, formerly of Adolphustown, beloved daughter of the late William Magee and Caroline Price, in her 87th year. Dear sister of Lawrence of Napanee. Resting at the Wartman Funeral Home, Napanee, from Thursday at 3 p.m. Funeral service Friday, March 1 at 1:30 p.m. Rev. Guy Case officiating. Interment UEL Cemetery, Adolphustown. Friends desiring may contribute to the Cancer Society.


Feb 27 1974

Kingston Whig Standard


Bertha Evelyn


Memorial Card

Bertha Evelyn Magee, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Magee, who passed away at Kingston on Wednesday, February 24, 1960, in her 47th year. Resting at the Tierney Funeral Home for service, on Friday, February 26, 1960, at 2.00 p.m. Rev. W.B. Thorneloe officiating. Interment Dorland Cemetery.



Tibbutt Scrapbooks




Bryce Magee Drowned at The Pines

A sad accident happened on Hay Bay, near the home of Mr. Andrew Magee, on Thursday afternoon, Jan. 7th, 1909, which resulted in the death by drowning, of Bryce Alton Magee, the eldest child of Mr. Joseph Magee, age 9 years past. Skating was good, and the children of the neighborhood had been enjoying a good past time during the forenoon and little Bryce, with his parents' consent, started out to enjoy his afternoon. He had place on his skates and apparently directed his course over a dangerous bar where he broke in; his screams were heard by his uncle, who hastened with a boat to the rescue, only to find that the poor little fellow had sunk to a watery death. His body was straightway recovered and born in sadness to his home, where a broken hearted mother and father, who had received the intimation earlier, received all that was left of their son, so active in life but an hour and a half before. This death has cast a gloom over the entire neighborhood, who in very large numbers showed their sympathy  in every possible way. The funeral was conducted by the pastor, W.S. Boyce, at 10 a.m. on Saturday, 9th, taking for his text, "Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in Heaven, that one of these little ones should perish."

Little Bryce had been trained in a religious manner and was a regular and an attentive member of the Sunday School where in the summer on Decision Day, he with many others, decided for Christ. It is no vain thing to serve the Lord. Mr. and Mrs. Magee mourn their loss, but not without hope, they have the sympathy and prayers of the entire community and many beside.


Sad Drowning Accident

The Pines, Jan. 11 – A very sad drowning accident happened on Thursday, January 7th, when Bryce Alton, eldest son of Joseph Magee, The Pines, a boy of nine years, after eating his dinner left his home going to Hay Bay a short distance away, to skate. After passing his Uncle Andrew’s, he skated into a crack in the ice, over a bar. His uncle heard him call, but not recognizing it as a human voice, thought it was an owl and looking around for the bird saw the little fellow disappear. He reached the spot as soon as possible, help was secured but too late and in a little more than an hour after he left his home, a bright, active boy, the lifeless body was carried in to his sorrowing mother. An impressive service was conducted at the home on Saturday by Rev. W.S. Boyce, Methodist minister, after which the body was taken to Napanee vault to await interment.






Jan 12 1909

Daily British Whig



(nee Price)


Funeral of Mrs. Wm. Magee

The funeral service for Mrs. William Magee, who passed quietly away in her home Sunday evening, July 13th, were conducted on Tuesday afternoon by Rev. G.K. Stewart, B.A. After a short prayer service in the home, the cortege proceeded to the United church. During the service Mr. Ward Wartman, of Napanee, sang feelingly "Jesus Lover of My Soul". The casket was carried by six nephews, John Price, Everett Price, Wilbur Price, Edwin Magee, Frederick Dickson, and James Bird. The flower bearers were also nephews, Keith Magee, Ercell Foster, Fred Wright and Harold Hough. Interment was made in the adjoining cemetery beside her husband, who predeceased her 19 years ago, and a son, Price, who died in infancy,. She is survived by one son, Lawrence, and a daughter, Annabell, also nephews and nieces and two sisters-in-law, Mrs. L.L. Price, Selby, and Mrs. J.E. Price, Mountain Grove. Mrs. Magee, formerly Caroline Price, was the last of a family of nine, and passed her 92nd birthday on April 27th.

Those from a distance attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. L.O. Warren, Landsdowne, Mr. and Mrs. N.M. Price, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Price, Mr. W.E. Price, Miss Estella Price, Mrs. Lewis Magee, Mrs. Jean Minaker, Mrs. Mary Day and Miss Elsie McConnell, Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woodcock, Peterborough; Mr. John Price, Mr. Charles Price, Mountain Grove; Mr. and Mrs. P. Hudgins, Mrs. Chas. Pringle, Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Price, Mrs. L.L. Price, Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Price and Edward, Selby; Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Foster and Mrs. Cora Price, Napanee; Mr. and Mrs. William Walmsley, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Miller, Mr. David Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Magee, Milford; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Pulver, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Pulver and Linda, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. Doris Schofield, Cherry Valley.


July 23 1952

Napanee Beaver


Clifford Everett


Magee, Clifford Everett – Suddenly at Adolphustown on Friday, September 6, 1968, Clifford Everett Magee, RR 2 Napanee, in his 56th year, beloved husband of Mary Loyst and dear father of George RR 1 Bath, John and Linda at home. Mr. Magee is resting at the Tierney Funeral Home, Napanee, for funeral service on Monday, September 9 at 2 p.m. Mr. C.S. Wilson, Conway, officiating. Interment Riverview Cemetery.


Clifford Everett Magee -

Funeral service of Clifford Everett Magee was held at the Tierney Funeral Home, Sept. 9, 1968, at two o'clock. J.B. Wilson, of Conway conducted the service with interment at Riverside Cemetery, Napanee.

Mr. Magee died suddenly at Adolphustown on Sept. 6, in his 56th year. He was a life-long resident of South Fredericksburgh.

He was the youngest son of the late Alexander Magee and his wife, the former Jenny Love.

He is survived by his wife, the former Mary Loyst, and three children, George, John and Linda; a sister, Mrs. Mike Brown (Jean), and one brother, Lewis, both of Kingston.

An infant daughter, Evelyn Elizabeth died in 1954; two brothers, Albert and Edwin, and a sister, Evelyn, predeceased him.

Pall-bearers were neighbors, William Kliem, John Mack, Ross Humphrey, Elwood Hare, Harvey Benn and Harold Garrison.

Flower-bearers were nephews of the deceased.


Sept 7 1968

Kingston Whig Standard






Edith Louise

    *  see Bird, Edith Louise (nee Magee)


Edna Annabella

   *  see Vannest, Edna Annabella (nee Magee)


Edwin Alexander


MAGEE – Suddenly at South Fredericksburgh on Monday, July 1 1957, Edwin Alexander Magee, beloved husband of Hester May and dear father of Sgt. Franklin A., Camp Gagetown, New Brunswick; Gerald E., Adolphustown; James, Kingston; Mrs. James Schott (Millie), Spencer Port, New York; Mrs. Carl Mallory (Janet), Kingston; Ross, Kingston; Fred at home, in his 57th year. Resting at the Tierney Funeral Home, Napanee, for funeral service on Thursday, July 4 at 2 p.m. Mr. John Robinson officiating. Interment Riverview Cemetery.


Memorial Card

In Loving Memory of Edwin Alexander Magee, beloved husband of Hester May, who passed away at South Fredericksburgh, on Monday, July 1, 1957, in his 57th year. Resting at the Tierney Funeral Home for funeral service on Thursday, July 4, 1957 at 2.00 p.m. M. John Robinson, Conway, officiating. Interment Riverview Cemetery.


Edwin A. Magee, 56, of Sillsville, died suddenly last Monday at his home. Born in South Fredericksburgh Township, a son of the late Alexander Magee, and his wife the former Jennie Love, he was a lifelong resident of the Sillsville area and was a former township councillor.

A farmer and a member of Hayburn United Church, deceased was interested in sports, particularly baseball and hockey.

He leaves his wife, the former Hester May, and five sons and two daughters. They are: Franklin Magee, Camp Gagetown, N.B., Gerald Magee, of Adolphustown; James Magee, of Kingston; Mrs. J.K. Schott (Millie), of Spenceport, N.Y.; Mrs. Carl Mallory (Janet), of Kingston; Ross Magee, Kingston, and Fred Magee, at home. Another son, Paul, died in infancy. Also surviving are 15 grandchildren and two brothers and two sisters, Lewis H. Magee, of Kingston, and Everett Magee, of South Fredericksburgh, and Mrs. Jean Minaker and Miss Evelyn Magee, both of Kingston.

The funeral was held at the Tierney Funeral Home, Napanee, last Thursday afternoon with interment at Riverview Cemetery here. John Robinson, United Church minister at Hayburn, officiated, along with Rev. George A. Southall. Pallbearers were Harold Magee, Fred Dickson, Percy Hawley, Ray Garrison, Malcolm Magee and Percy Merritt. Flower-bearers were Alex Magee, Ronald Minaker, Harold Garrison, Reginald Garrison, J. Prout, Gregory Prout, Harvey Rombough, Robert Rombough, Glen Jerome and Perry Rombough.


July 3 1957

Kingston Whig



July 17 1957

Kingston Whig




Tibbutt Scrapbooks


Elsie Evelyn

   *  see Henwood, Elsie Evelyn (nee Magee)


George A.


The Late George A. Magee

Following an illness of several months, the death occurred at his home, Deseronto Road, on Sunday, July 20th, of George A. Magee.

Mr. Magee was born 56 years ago in Adolphustown Township and was a son of the late Andrew and Ida Magee. He farmed at Adolphustown in his earlier years until with his family he moved to a farm on the Deseronto Road, several years ago. He was a member of the United Church and of Craig Lodge, A.P. and A.M. Deseronto.

He is survived by his wife, formerly Lottie Keech and by two daughters and one son: Dorothy, Mrs. Beverly Richmond of Napanee, Joy of Kingston, and Hugh at home. He also leaves one sister, Mrs. Ercell Foster, Napanee, and two brothers, Harold of Adolphustown and Keith of Picton. He was predeceased by one sister, Mrs. James Bird.

His funeral was conducted at the Wartman Funeral Home, on Tuesday afternoon, by Rev. C.D. McLellan, and burial was at Riverview Cemetery. The pall-bearers were Messrs. Herb Aylsworth, Harry Oliver, Claude Alkenbrack, Clinton Rendell, Percy VanVlack and Clarence Davis.


July 23 1952

Napanee Beaver


Ida Teresa

(nee Love)


The Late Mrs. A. Magee

Ida Teresa Love, eldest daughter of the late George Love and Gertrude Minaker, was born near Milford in Prince Edward County, on September 11 1870. On July 5th, 1892, she married Andrew Magee and moved to Adolphustown, where she resided until her death on Wednesday, June 14. Mrs. Magee has been in failing health for several years. A few weeks ago, she went to visit her daughter, Mrs. Ercell Foster, and her family and while there she became seriously ill and despite loving care and medical attention, failed to recover. Until failing health prevented, she was a willing and cheerful worker in the women's organizations of the Methodist and later United Church.

Her husband predeceased her nearly eight years, also three brothers, Albert, Edward and William, and two sisters, Mrs. Alex. Magee and Mrs. Robert Mordant. Surviving are her two daughters, Mrs. F.E. Foster (Gertrude) and Mrs. J.J. Bird (Edith) and three sons, George of Deseronto Road, Harold and Keith, of Adolphustown, also one sister, Mrs. Arnold Church, Milford, and nine grandchildren.

The funeral service was conducted in the Foster home on Friday afternoon, by Rev. K.J. Crawford, B.A., followed by interment by the side of her husband in the United Church cemetery. The casket was carried by the three sons, two sons-in-law, and one nephew, Albert Magee. The flower-bearers were Edwin Magee, Lewis Magee, Everett Magee, Lawrence Magee and Fred Dickson, all nephews. The beautiful floral tributes testified to the esteem of the departed.

Among those present from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Church, Mr. and Mrs. G.L. Minaker and Miss Marion Love, Milford; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Powers, Mr. Herbert Love, Mrs. Charles Hicks, Mrs. James Taylor, Mrs. Fred Thurston and Mrs. George Thurston, Picton; Mrs. C.B. Pierce and Mrs. H, Hicks, Bongards; Messrs. E. Harrison and S. Powers, Cressy; Mrs. Lewis Magee, Galt; Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Magee, Mr. Hugh and Miss Joy Magee, Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Richmond, Deseronto Road, Mr. Albert Magee, Miss Hattie Magee and Mrs. G. Boyd, Kingston and Mrs. G. Keyes, Wolfe Island.


June 28 1944

Napanee Beaver


Janet Luella

   *  see Mallory, Janet Luella



(nee Love)


MAGEE – At Sillsville on Wednesday, Oct. 2nd, 1935, Jennie Magee, wife of Alexander Magee, aged 60 years 9 days.


Death of Mrs. Alex Magee

Sillsville lost a well-known and much beloved resident in the death last Wednesday evening, at her home, “Maplewood” of Jennie Love, wife of Alexander Magee, in her 61st year.

Born near Milford, Prince Edward, where she spent her girlhood, and a resident of Adolphustown community for nearly forty years, the late Mrs. Magee, by her kindly disposition endeared herself to a wide circle of friends, by whom she will be greatly missed and sincerely mourned. A member of the United Church of Sillsville, she was an active worker, more especially of the Ladies’ Aid Society and also a valued assistant in all community activities.

Death came unexpectedly, following three days illness, and was a great shock to the entire neighborhood, as well as to many friends elsewhere. The high esteem in which Mrs. Magee was held was evidenced by the large attendance and numerous floral tributes at her funeral, held last Friday afternoon to the U.E.L. Church cemetery, Adolphustown. The pall-bearers were six nephews, Ursell Foster, James Bird, F. Dickson, Lawrence, George and Keith Magee.

Surviving besides a sorrowing husband, are two daughters, Mrs. L. Minaker, Milford, and Miss Evelyn at home; four sons, Albert, Edwin, Lewis and Everett, all of Sillsville and two sisters, Mrs. Andrew Magee, Sillsville and Mrs. Arnold Church, Milford.


Oct 1935

Napanee Beaver



   *  see Wright, Jessie (nee Magee)




Died - In South Fredericksburgh, on April 20th, John Magee, aged 25 years.


Apr 24 1880

Daily British Whig




MAGEE – At Conway on Tuesday, Aug. 10, John Magee in his 87th year. Resting at his late residence at Conway for funeral Thursday, Aug. 12, at U.E.L. Church, Dorland, at 3:30 p.m. Interment at U.E.L. cemetery.


John Magee -

At Conway, on Tuesday, August 10th, 1943, there passed into eternal rest the late John Magee, who had been ill for the past three weeks following a severe heart seizure.

He was born in Donegal, Ireland, on March 14th, 1857, fifth son of Annabella Anderson and Robert Magee. He came to Canada with his parents in 1869 settling in Prince Edward county, and later in South Fredericksburgh where he spent his life on the farm.

He was united in marriage at the U.E.L. Memorial Church on September 3rd, 1889, to Margaret Elizabeth Lawson, of Petrolia, who predeceased him on March 29th 1939.

He leaves to mourn his loss one son, Robert James Magee, Adolphustown, and six daughters, Misses Hattie and Margaret Magee, Conway; Mrs. Harold Hough, Sillsville; Mrs. Fred Wright, Conway; Mrs. Floyd Vannest, Hawley, and Mrs. W.R. Henwood, Sandhurst, and 20 grandchildren. One brother, Alex Magee, and one sister, Mrs. R.J. Dickson, of Hayburn survive; five brothers having passed on, William James, Robert, Samuel, Andrew and Joseph.

The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Kenneth J. Crawford. A short service was held at the house, from thence to Adolphustown U.E.L. United Church, with interment in the U.E.L. cemetery.

The bearers were R.J. Magee, Harold Hough, Fred Wright, Floyd Vannest, W.R. Henwood and Douglas Magee.

The late John Magee was a lifelong member of the Methodist and later, United Church; an elder of the U.E.L. Memorial Church and for many years was Superintendent of the Sunday School.

He was a man of sterling character and was much respected by all who knew him.


Aug 1943









McGEE – At the Pines, on Nov. 9th, Joseph McGee, aged forty-seven years.


Death's messenger came with but little warning on Tuesday, November 9th to Joseph Magee, at his home, Belleview Farm, The Pines post office. Although he had not been in the best of health for some time, Mr. Magee was able to be about and attend to his ordinary duties, and on the Saturday preceding his death finished up his plowing and other fall work. He did not complain before retiring on Saturday night, but early Sunday morning he got up to attend to one of the children and was seized with a hemorrhage of the brain. He was unable to get back into bed without assistance and soon afterward lapsed into unconsciousness. Relatives and a doctor were speedily summoned, but they could do but little for him and he sank gradually until Tuesday morning, when he passed away shortly before 8 o'clock. In the opinion of the family doctor and his friends, the unfortunate man's death was hastened by an incident which happened a few days before he was taken ill. His team ran away from the front of the house as he was preparing to drive into Napanee and he had a long chase after the horses. The excitement caused his nose to bleed very freely, and from that time on he was troubled with nose bleeds. Fretting over the death of his eldest son, Brice, who was drowned in Hay Bay while skating last winter, is also thought to have hastened the end, Mr. Magee not having enjoyed the best of health since that unfortunate occurrence.

The late Joseph Magee was a member of one of the oldest and best known families in Lennox County, and being of a genial disposition and generous almost to a fault, was highly esteemed by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. He was born in Ireland 49 years ago, but when a mere lad came to Canada with his father, the late Robert Magee, who passed away two years ago. The family first located near Picton, but very shortly afterward took up land at The Pines and has resided there ever since. In politics deceased was a staunch Liberal, while in religion he was prominently identified with the Methodist church. He was also a member of the Orange Order, and one of the most public spirited residents of the neighborhood in which he spent the greater portion of his life. A widow and three small children survive him and they have the sincere sympathy of the entire community.

The funeral took place on Thursday of last week, and was one of the largest seen in Lennox County in many years, friends driving many miles to pay a last tribute of respect to the memory of deceased. Among the mourners were relatives and friends from Toronto, Hamilton, Picton, Napanee, Wolfe Island, Bath, Kingston and other places. An impressive funeral service was conducted at the house by the Methodist minister, after which the remains were taken to Napanee and place in the vault. Later on they will be transferred to the family burial ground and placed beside those of the father and son of deceased. The pall bearers were five brothers, William, Andrew, John and Alex., all of the Pines, Robert, of Toronto, and a brother-in-law, James Dickson, of Sillsville.


Very sad indeed was the death of Joseph McGee, “The Pines” on Tuesday morning, after but a few days illness. Deceased took ill on Saturday night and when a doctor was summoned pronounced the trouble hemorrhage of the brain. He was forty-nine years of age and leaves a wife and three small children. About ten months ago the eldest son was drowned. Deceased was one of a family of six brothers, all residents of Fredericksburgh. The funeral took place this afternoon.


Nov 13 1909

Daily British Whig


Nov 16 1909

Daily British Whig



Tibbutt Scrapbooks


Nov 11 1909

Daily British Whig


Lewis Harold


MAGEE, Lewis Harold – At the Toronto General Hospital on Thursday, August 5, 1971, Lewis Harold Magee, late of 81 Robert Wallace Drive, Kingston, beloved husband of Beulah N. Rombough; dear father of Alex, Kingston and the late Malcolm Magee; dear grandfather of Lynda Thomas, Mark, Andrew and Patrick; brother of Mrs. W.J. Brown (Jean), Kingston. Resting at the Robert B. Cullen Funeral Home, 529 Palace Road, for funeral service in the Chapel on Monday, August 9 at 2 p.m. Interment Riverview Cemetery, Napanee. In lieu of flowers contributions to the Ontario Heart Foundation will be greatly appreciated and may be made at the Funeral Home office.


Aug 1971




Lewis Malcolm


MAGEE, Lewis Malcolm – Suddenly at Dorland on Sunday, April 18, 1965, Lewis Malcolm Magee, 85 Gore St., Kingston, formerly of Dorland, beloved husband of Mabel R. Bartlett and dear father of Linda and Thomas at home, in his 30th year. Resting at the Wartman Funeral Home, Napanee. Funeral service in the Chapel on Tuesday, April 20 at 2:30 p.m. Interment Riverview Cemetery, Napanee.


Head-On Crash Kills One; Eight Others Injured - One man was killed and eight others injured in a two-car collision near Dorland, in Adolphustown, last Sunday morning.

Police identified the dead man as Malcolm Magee, formerly of Adolphustown and more recently of Gore St., Kingston.  One car was being driven by Gregory Prout, of Dorland.  He was taken to hospital by ambulance with injuries to his back and chest.  Magee was a passenger in the car being driven by Prout.  In the same vehicle were the owner of the vehicle, Robert Rombough, of Sillsville, and Miss Frances Bird, also of Sillsville.

Rombough suffered a shoulder injury and police said Miss Bird had chest injuries, a possible broken pelvis, and facial lacerations.

Two of the five men in the second car, were treated and released from hospital.  These included the driver, Douglas Gordon Mack, son of Reeve Gordon Mack, of Adolphustown;  Paul Magee, a cousin of the dead man.  Kept in hospital for additional treatment were Garry Shelley with a shoulder injury, George Magee, another cousin of the deceased with a possible broken spine and his brother Brent Magee with a possible broken foot.

According to police the accident took place on a straight stretch of roadway about two miles north of Dorland at about 1:30 Sunday morning.  The injured were taken to the Kingston General Hospital by ambulances from Napanee.


Lewis M.M. Magee

Burial was in Riverview Cemetery, Napanee for Lewis Malcolm Mackenzie Magee, 29, who died suddenly April 18 at Dorland.

He was born in Sillsville, a son of Lewis Magee and his wife, the former Beulah Rombough.

Surviving are his wife, the former Mabel Bartlett; a daughter Linda Jane; a son Thomas Malcolm; and a brother Alexander, all of Kingston.

Rev. Douglas Dunning officiated at a service held from the Wartman Funeral Home, Napanee. Pall-bearers were Mel Silver, Gary Turnbull, Robert Adams, Gerald Beaubien, Robert Armstrong and Arnold Woodcock.


Apr 19 1965

Kingston Whig Standard


Lloyd Scrapbook


May 15 1965

Kingston Whig Standard


Margaret Ann Carolyn


MAGEE – At Adolphustown on Sunday, July 13, 1952, Margaret Ann Carolyn Magee, beloved wife of the late William James Magee in her 93rd year. Resting at her late residence for funeral Tuesday, July 15 at Dorland United church at 2:30 p.m. Rev. Stewart officiating. Interment Dorland United Church Cemetery.


July 14 1952

Kingston Whig



Margaret Elizabeth

(nee Lawson)


THE LATE MRS. JOHN MAGEE - Margaret Elizabeth Lawson, beloved wife of John Magee, passed away at her home in South Fredericksburgh on March the 29th . The daughter of the late James Lawson and his wife, Mary Ann Melville, Mrs. Magee was born on a farm adjoining the one on which she spent her married life. In her early childhood her parents moved to Petrolia where her father was in business for some years until their return to Napanee. She was married to John Magee on September 3rd 1889, theirs being the first marriage in the U.E. L. Church at Dorland.

Mrs. Magee leaves to mourn her loss, one sister, Mrs. D. S. Cowan, of Petrolia; an aunt, Mrs. R. J. McKee of Los Angeles; her husband, one son, Bert, of Sillsville, and six daughters, the Misses Hattie and Margaret, at home, Mrs. H. M. Hough of Sillsville; Mrs. Floyd Vannest, of Hawley, Mrs. F. B. Wright and Mrs. William Henwood of Conway.

Mrs. Magee was much respected and beloved in the community. She was a woman of ready wit and youthful spirit, which kept her young in heart and mind to the last. Due to the proximity of the Union Church the ministers, both Anglican and Methodist, were the frequent recipients of her broad-minded hospitality. She was a woman of deep religious convictions and strove to impress them upon her family. Her passing has left a great gap in the family circle.

The funeral service was held in the U.E.L. Church, Dorland, from which she was carried to the cemetery, and laid to rest beside her father.


At Adolphustown, Wednesday, March 29th, 1939, Mrs. John Magee, in her 77th year.



SILLSVILLE – After an illness of less than two weeks, Mrs. John Magee passed peacefully away at her home recently. Mrs. Magee, whose maiden name was Margaret Elizabeth Lawson, was the eldest daughter of the late James Lawson and Mary Ann Melville, and was born in Adolphustown 76 years ago. During her childhood the family moved to Petrolia, where her father was engaged in the oil business for a number of years, later returning to this neighborhood.

On September 3, 1889, she was united in marriage to John Magee in the U.E.L. Methodist Church, and since then had lived on the same farm. Besides her sorrowing husband, she is survived by one son, R. J. Magee, and six daughters, Mrs. Harold Hough (Marion), Mrs. F.B. Wright (Jessie), Mrs. Floyd Vannest (Edna), Mrs. W.R. Henwood (Elsie), and Miss Hattie and Miss Margaret at home, also twenty grandchildren and one sister (Hattie), Mrs. D.S. Cowan, Petrolia, and one niece, Mrs. William Abrahart, Sarnia, and one aunt, Mrs. Rebecca MacKee, of Los Angeles, Calif. Two brothers, John and James, and one sister, Ida, predeceased her.

While not enjoying the best of health for some years, she had been as well as usual all winter, and when the W.M.S. of which she was a life member, met in her home on March 1, she led the devotional part of the meeting. When she first contracted the prevailing epidemic, pneumonia developed and proved fatal, in spite of all that medical attention and loving care could do.

The funeral services were conducted by her minister, Rev. G.A. Puttenham, B.A., B.D. After a short service at the house the cortege proceeded to the U.E.L. United Church, where Mr. Puttenham gave a comforting message. Interment was made in the cemetery adjoining. The bearers were her son, her four sons-in-law, and her eldest grandson, Douglas Magee.



From the scrapbooks of J. Wright


Apr 5 1939




March 1939




Margaret Winnifred


MAGEE, Margaret Winnifred - At the Lennox and Addington County General Hospital on Friday, November 14 1980, Margaret Magee, of Lenadco, formerly of Kingston; dear sister of Hattie Magee of Lenadco, Mrs. H. M. Hough (Marion), Sillsville; Mrs. Fred Wright (Jessie), Conway; Mrs. W.R. Henwood (Elsie), Napanee; and the late R.J. Magee and Mrs. Floyd (Edna) Vannest, dearly loved by her many nieces and nephews. Resting at the Wartman Funeral Home, Napanee, from Sunday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral Service in the Chapel on Monday, November 17 at 1:30 p.m. Interment McDowall Cemetery, Sandhurst. In memoriam donations to The Canadian Bible Society, The Gideons or charity of your choice.


Margaret Magee - Margaret Winnifred Magee, who died recently at the Lennox and Addington County General Hospital after an illness of seven months, was buried in McDowall Cemetery, Sandhurst.

Born at the Pines on Hay Bay, she was a daughter of the late John Magee and his wife, the late Margaret Elizabeth Lawson. She lived in South Fredericksburgh for many years and was an active member of Adolphustown United Church.

Following the death of her father in 1943, she moved to  Kingston with her sister, Hattie, where they resided for 36 years. Of a quiet disposition, Miss Magee spent many years ministering to the sick at Kingston General Hospital as a nurse's aide.

In January of this year she and her sister moved to the Lenadco County Home for the Aged, Napanee.

She leaves her sisters, Miss Hattie Magee; Mrs. Marion Hough, Sillsville;, Mrs. Jessie Wright, Conway; Mrs. Elsie Henwood, Napanee.

Miss Magee was predeceased by a sister, Mrs. Edna Vannest, and a brother, R.J. Magee.

Pallbearers were her six nephews; Douglas and Robert Magee, Donald Hough, John Wright and Roger and Grant Henwood.



From the Scrapbooks of J. Wright





Mary Ann

   *see Dickson, Mary Ann (nee Magee)


Mary Gertrude

   *  see Foster, Mary Gertrude (nee Magee)


Mary Isabel

(nee Loyst)


Magee - At the Kingston General Hospital on Wednesday, December 20, 1989, Mary Isabel Loyst. Dear wife of the late Everett Magee. Dear mother of George, Odessa; John, Belleville and Linda Tibbutt of RR 2 Napanee. Lovingly remembered by seven grandchildren. Dear sister of the late Elsie Helefant, Providence, R.I. Mrs. Magee rested at the Wannamaker-Tierney Funeral Home, Napanee with service in the Chapel on Friday, December 22 at 1 pm. Rev. Norm Esdon officiated. Interment in Riverview Cemetery.








McGEE – On March 4th, infant child of W.J. McGee, Parma.


Mar 13 1890

Weekly British Whig


Raymond Keith


R.K. Magee

Raymond Keith Magee died suddenly at his home at RR 2 Milford, Ontario on Sunday, July 9, 1972.

Keith was the son of Andrew Magee and his wife, the former Ida Love and was born in Adolphustown Township on December 24, 1911, where he spent his early years. He moved to Prince Edward County shortly after his marriage to the former Irene Tuttle and had resided in the Milford vicinity for a number of years.

He was a member of the United Church of Canada and had served on the Board of Stewards. He was an ardent sports fan and had assisted in the formation of the South Marysburgh Municipal Recreation Association; also serving as President of the Association for a period of time.

Left to mourn his passing are his wife, the former Irene Tuttle, a son, George Beverley, both of Milford, RR 2, a daughter, Mary Linda (Mrs. Rae Guernsey), of Trenton, as sister Gertie (Mrs. Ercel Foster) of Napanee, and several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his parents, a sister Edith (Mrs. James Bird) and two brothers, George and Harold Magee.

The funeral was held from the Whattam Funeral Home with Rev. James MacKay officiating and interment was in Cherry Valley Cemetery. Pallbearers were Douglas Minaker, William Creasy, Ken Taylor and Jack Clark.

Among the floral tributes were those from South Bay General UCW, The Community and Nourse Radio Electric, Picton. Among donations to the Ontario Heart Foundation was that of the Milford-Greenbush Friendship Circle. Donations were made also to the Canadian Cancer Society.

Relatives were present from Toronto, Napanee and Kingston.








MAGEE – At South Fredericksburgh, 20th Nov., Robert Magee, aged eighty-four years.


PAST THREE SCORE AND TEN - Mr. Robert Magee was born in the County of Donegal, Ireland, in the year 1823, and died at The Pines, South Fredericksburgh, on November 20th, 1907, having reached the ripe age of 84 years, 9 months and 6 days. The funeral was held in the Union church, where in spite of the unfavorable condition of the roads, and other obstacles, a large number of neighbors and friends gathered to pay their respect to all that was mortal of the deceased. Six sons, viz., Robert, of Toronto; William, John, Andrew, Alexander and Joseph, all of The Pines, acting as pall bearers, and one daughter, Mrs. J. Dickson, Hayburn, mourn the loss of a kind-hearted and affectionate father. The funeral was conducted by the Rev. W. S. Boyce, after which the body was placed in the vault at Napanee, to be interred at a later date in the Methodist cemetery, Adolphustown. The subject of this obituary was a good citizen, highly respected, in religion a Methodist; in his Christian life he was devoted to his Master, and the church of his choice. He was one of the principal men who engaged in the erection of the Union church, and was one of the chief supporters of God's cause in this community. A large number of friends sympathize with the sons and daughter and relatives of the deceased, believing however, that their loss was his gain.


MAGEE - Robert Magee was born in Donegal, Ireland, 1823, and died at “The Pines,” South Fredericksburgh, November 20, 1907, at the advanced age of eighty-four years, nine months, and six days.  The funeral was held at the Union Church, and was largely attended.  The body, which was laid in Napanee vault, will be buried in the U.E.L. Methodist cemetery at Adolphustown.  Bro. Magee was a life-long Methodist, his early home in Ireland being a regular place for worship.  He was highly respected by all, and was a man of pure life and deep piety, devoted to the church of his choice, and a good supporter of it.  He was alive to every good work.  He leaves behind him a family of six sons and one daughter to mourn his loss.  We believe that “He was faithful unto death,” as he longed for his Master’s coming to adorn him with “a crown of life.”  The sorrowing friends have the sympathy of a wide circle of friends.    W.S. Boyce


ROBERT MAGEE - The subject of this memoir was born in Donnegal, Ireland, Feb. 14th, 1823. In 1848 he married Annabella Anderson, with whom he lied happily, till she was called to the home above, in Dec. 1887. Their home was consecrated to the worship of God, regular preaching service being conducted in it almost from the time of their marriage till their removal to Canada in 1869. On their arrival here they promptly connected themselves with the church of their choice viz Methodist and many Methodist ministers will remember with pleasure the genial welcome they always received at the Magee home. He was a willing worker, and frequently during his illness expressed regret that he was no longer able to serve the church. In 1871 he settled on the farm on the shore of Hay Bay, South Fredericksburgh, where he remained till his death Nov. 20th, 1907. His last days were spent with his youngest son, Alex where all that tender hands could do to relieve his suffering was done. His last words to his daughter-in-law were "God Bless You." They raised a family of seven sons and one daughter. Samuel passed to the beautiful home twenty-seven years ago. The remaining six sons, William, Robert, Andrew, John, Joseph, and Alexander, bore all that was mortal of their father to his last resting place. The daughter is Mrs. James Dickson, of Hayburn. Relatives came from Hamilton, Toronto, Picton and Milford to pay their tribute of respect to the departed. We cannot mourn for him, he was anxious to pass away and be at rest. The funeral was in Union Church, Rev. W.S. Boyce officiating with true brotherly sympathy.


Nov 25 1907

Daily British Whig



From the Hough Scrapbooks.


Jan 29 1908

Christian Guardian







MAGEE – At his late residence, 1107 Gerrard Street east, Robert, beloved husband of Jane Loyst Magee, in his 85th year. Remains resting at the Trail Funeral Home, 1111 Danforth Avenue, for service Tuesday, 2 p.m. Interment in a Toronto Cemetery. Please omit flowers


Robert Magee

Word has been received here by the Magee brothers of the death of their elder brother Robert, who has been residing in Toronto for a number of years. He is survived by his widow and two sons, Ross and Evan, of Detroit, also three brothers, Andrew, John, Alex and a sister, Mrs. R.J. Dickson of this place. Mr. Alex Magee and son Albert attended the funeral services in Toronto on Tuesday afternoon.


Robert Magee

After a long illness, the death occurred of Robert Magee, at his home, 1107 Gerrard St., Toronto, on Sunday, May 5th. Mr. Magee was the son of the late Robert Magee and Annabella Anderson, of Lennox Co. He was born at Donegal, Ireland on March 31, 1851. Early in his life he came with his parents to reside at “The Pines” (now Sillsville) and was married to Jane Loyst, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Loyst. Several years of his married life were spent in Picton where he was a well known contractor, after which he moved to Toronto.

Throughout a long period of illness the courage and patience with which he bore his sufferings, was exemplary. His parents and two brothers predeceased him many years ago, and another brother, William, died just two years ago.

Mr. Magee is survived by his wife; his sons, Ross and Evan, both of Detroit; three brothers, John, Andrew and Alex, and a sister Mrs. Robt. Jas. Dickson, all of Sillsville.

His funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon, May 7, from the Trull Funeral Home. The many beautiful floral tributes were representative of Mr. Magee’s many loving friends. Interment took place in the family plot at Toronto.

Mr. Alex Magee and son, Albert, of Sillsville, attended the funeral.


May 5 1935




Robert James


Magee, Robert James

At the Lennox and Addington County General Hospital on Thursday, March 23, 1978, Robert James Magee, in his 88th year, beloved husband of Cora Deborah White, dear father of Douglas, Morven; Mrs. Roland Stalker (Grace) Adolphustown, Eleanor, Sackville, New Brunswick; Mrs. Don Williams (Dorothy), Sandhurst, Mrs. Arthur Buckland (Frances), Adolphustown, Robert, Sandhurst, Mrs. Jon Jennekens (Norah), Ottawa; dear bother of Hattie, Margaret, Kingston; Elsie Henwood, Napanee; Marion Hough, Sillsville; Jessie Wright, Conway, predeceased by sister Edna Vannest. Rested at the Wartman Funeral Home, Napanee, for Private Service in the Chapel on Saturday, March 25 at 1:30 p.m. Interment Sandhurst Cemetery. In lieu of flowers donations to the cancer society in memory of Baby Jon Jennekens and Donna Lynne Williams, would be gratefully appreciated by the family.


Robert James Magee, 87, of Sandhurst, who died recently at Lennox and Addington County general Hospital was buried in McDowall Cemetery in Sandhurst.

He was born in Petrolia, Ont., son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Magee, and lived in the Sillsville area most of his life.

Mr. Magee was a farmer who took an active part in politics and local affairs, being a member of council and school board for several years a delegate to many Liberal party conventions over the years.

Surviving are wife, the former Cora White; sons Douglas, of Morven, Robert, of Sandhurst; daughters, Grace, of Adolphustown, Eleanor, of Sackville, N.B., Dorothy Williams, of Sandhurst, Frances Buckland, of Conway, Norah Jennekens, of Ottawa, 21 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

He is also survived by sisters, Miss Hattie Magee, of Kingston, Mrs. Marion Hough, of Sillsville, Mrs. Jessie Wright, of Conway, Miss Margaret Magee, of Kingston, and Mrs. Elsie Henwood, of Napanee. He was predeceased by sister Edna Vannest.

Pallbearers were his grandsons, Brian Magee, Robert Magee, Ian Magee, Sean Magee, Kevin Stalker, Darren Jennekens, and Jamie Williams as flower bearer.






Robert Lewis


Magee - Suddenly at his parent’s residence, RR 1 Sillsville, on Monday, March 21, 1966, Robert Lewis Magee, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Magee and dear brother of Paul, Kingston;  Brent, Lynne, Teddy and Terry, at home, in his 16th year.  Robert is resting at the Tierney Funeral Home, Napanee, for funeral service on Wednesday, March 23, at 2 p.m.  Mr. Ronald Pierce, Conway, officiating.  Interment Riverview Cemetery.


Funeral service for Robert Lewis Magee, 15 of Sillsville was held March 23 from Tierney Funeral home. Interment was in Riverview Cemetery, Napanee.

Mr. Ronald Pierce, student minister of Conway conducted the service.

The young Napanee and district secondary School student died unexpectedly at his parents’ home after an illness of two days. He was a member of the United Church.

Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Magee, four brothers, Paul, of Kingston, Brent, Teddy and Terry at home, and a sister, Lynne, also at home. He was the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Lewis of Mountain Grove and Mrs. Hester Magee of Kingston.

Pall-bearers were David Magee, George Magee, Duane Fitchett, Morris Mallory, Garry Shelley and Dennis Robertson.


Mar 22 1966

Kingston Whig Standard


Mar 26 1966

Kingston Whig Standard


William James


William James Magee

On Thursday May 11th, 1933, there passed away to his eternal rest, an old and respected resident of Adolphustown, William James Magee, the eldest son of the late Robert Magee and Annabella Anderson, the founders of the Magee colony in this district.

Mr. Magee was born in Donegal, Ireland, April 21st, 1849, and came with his parents to Canada when a young man in 1869, settling in the community where he spent his life.

On June 3rd, 1887, he was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Caroline Price, of Mountain Grove, who survives him, also two children, a daughter, Annabella, a son, Lawrence. A son, Price, died in infancy.

He was the eldest of a family of seven sons and one daughter, five of whom are still living; Robert, of Toronto, Andrew, John, Alex, and Mrs. R.J. Dickson, of this locality. Two brothers, Samuel and Joseph, predeceased him many years ago. He was a man of integrity and his passing is mourned by a large connection.

He came of a long line of God-fearing and abstemious men and women who have made a valuable contribution to the higher spiritual life of both church and community.

The funeral services were held from the home to the U.E.L. United Church, Adolphustown, of which he was a member, on Saturday, May 13th at 2 p.m. and were in charge of his minister, Rev. H.F. Sanders, who spoke on the text, II Timothy 4:7, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” Interment in the family plot, Adolphustown.

The pall-bearers were nephews: Lewis Magee, Harold Magee, James Bird, Marshall Price, Everett Price and Roger Price.


May 1933




William Paul


MAGEE – At South Fredericksburgh on Saturday July 13th, William Paul Magee, aged 2 months and 21 days.


July 1929

Napanee Beaver


Winnifred June

(nee Knight)


Winnifred June Magee

Following an illness of two years, Winnifred June Magee, Deseronto Rd., died at her home at the age of 44.

The former Winnifred Knight, she was the daughter of Charles Knight and his wife, the late former Elsie Highland.

She is survived by her husband, Hugh A. Magee and was employed at Canada Optical Co. in Deseronto. Mrs. Magee was a member of St. Marks Anglican Church, Deseronto.

Also surviving is her father, Charles Knight; a daughter Mrs. Robert (Elizabeth) Noel, Ottawa and sons Dennis, Dale and Dwight Magee, at home.

Mrs. Magee is survived as well, by four sisters; Doris Buchanan, Grace Midgley, Florence Knight and Elsie Hawthorne and three brothers: George Knight, Percy Knight and Charles Knight Jr.

Funeral service was from the Tierney Funeral Home on Tues. Apr. 26 to Riverview Cemetery for interment.

Pallbearers were: Richard McCracken, Don Rose, William Martin, Morrison Alkenbrack, Howard VanVlack and Maurice McCaul.







Sarah Magin, Fredericksburgh, buried 10 Sept 1790.


Langhorn's Anglican Registers

1787 - 1814




James Maguire.  James Maguire, president of the First National Bank, Elizabeth N. J., passed away Sunday, after a few days’ illness of pneumonia.  He is survived by two brothers, and two sisters, the latter being the Misses Maguire, Bagot street.  The remains will be brought her for interment arriving tomorrow noon.  The funeral will take place Wednesday morning at nine o’clock from 186 Bagot street to St. Mary’s Cathedral.


Mar 5 1912

The Daily Standard





A LOSS TO HOWICK – (Special to the Star) – Howick, Que., January 14 – The death of Mr. Hector Maiben, occurred on Thursday.  He was in his 89th year, having been born in Perth, Scotland, in 1810.  Mr. Maiben was a noted Christian in Howick, and preached the Gospel of the grace of God for many years.


MAIBEN – At Howick, Que. On Thursday, January 12th, 1899, fell asleep in Jesus after preaching the Gospel of the grace of God form many years, Mr. Hector Maiben, in his 89th year.  Funeral at Howick, Lord’s day next, January 15th at 2:30 p.m.



From the Watson Scrapbooks


Benjamin Franklin


MALLORY - At Adolphustown, Sept. 6th, Benjamin Franklin Mallory, aged 43 years and 2 months.



Bessie Florence

  *  see Creighton, Bessie Florence (nee Mallory)




  *  see Green, Eliza



Ella & Harry


Obituary - The fatal diphtheria has made sad havoc in the home of Mr. Ezra A. Mallory, of Adolphustown.  Ella the youngest child, a bright and beautiful girl, in the 13th year of her age, fell a victim to its power on the 18th Nov., 1889.  During her brief illness everything that the utmost love and tenderness could suggest was done to save her life, but in vain. She was very sweetly resigned to the blessed Saviour's will, and died in the triumphs of a child's confiding faith.

On the evening of the day of little Ella's funeral, Harry, the youngest boy, - a fine, promising young fellow, in the 17th year of his age, was seized with the fatal malady;  and while the promptest measures were adopted, he sank rapidly, and on the 28th Nov. was laid to rest in the Methodist burying ground, by the side of his sister whom he loved so well.

If there be any consolation in religion in the hours of our deepest anguish, it must surely be a comfort to the bereft parents and friends to know that the dear children had so recently knelt side by side at the Saviour's feet for salvation, and through the simple faith of childhood had obtained the brightest assurance of their acceptance with God.  In his last moments Harry gave the clearest evidence of the hope of eternal life, and talked very sweetly of the reunion with his darling sister in the beautiful mansions of light.  They were lovely in life, and in death undivided.

For ever with the Lord, amen, so let it be.     H. Ash.


Dec 21 1889

Napanee Beaver


Eva Jane

   *  see Roblin, Eva Jane (nee Mallory)



Ezra A.


Died - Mallory - At Adolphustown, Aug. 12th, Ezra A. Mallory, aged sixty-three years.


Ezra Mallory, of Adolphustown, and brother of Mrs. J.C. Green, Napanee, died on Wednesday, aged sixty-three years.


Aug 15 1896

Daily British Whig


Aug 17 1896

Daily British Whig


Frances Josephine

(nee Allison)


Mallory, Frances Josephine - At Rosewood Retirement Home, on Thursday, March 18, 1993, Frances Allison, in her 74th year, beloved wife of the late Harold Mallory, dear sister of Harold Allison and his wife Peggy of Adolphustown; and Elizabeth (Bette) Cunningham and her husband Stanley of Kingston. Resting at the James Reid funeral Home, Cataraqui Chapel (Counter Street at Highway #2). Memorial Service in St. Luke's Anglican Church, Nelson at Princess Street, on Saturday, March 20 at 3 p.m. Friends will be received on Friday 7-9 p.m. and Saturday 1-2 p.m. Cremation. Entombment D.W. Allison Mausoleum, Adolphustown. As expressions of sympathy, Donations to St. Luke's Building Fund in Mrs. Mallory's memory would be thoughtfully remembered by the family.


Mar 20 1993

Kingston Whig Standard


Frank Trumpour


MALLORY - Frank.  At Kingston on Sunday December 14, 1975, Frank Trumpour Mallory, beloved husband of Rose Thompson, dear father of Allan, Napanee;  Carl, Calgary, and Mrs. Fred McGinness (Frances), Kingston.  Remembered by 8 grandchildren.  Dear brother of Mrs. Morley Creighton (Bessie), Sillsville;  Mrs. Norman Davis (Estella) Deseronto;  Mrs. J. P. Dorland (Grace);  and Mrs. A. G. Wright (Ruth), Kingston;  Keith, Vancouver;  and Harold, Kingston.  Mr. Mallory rested at the Tierney Funeral Home, Napanee.  Funeral service was held at St. Alban’s Anglican church, Adolphustown on Tuesday, Dec. 16 at 2:00 p.m.  Rev. Edward Carne officiated.  Interment was at St. Alban’s Cemetery.


Frank Trumpour Mallory

A native of Adolphustown Township, Frank Trumpour Mallory, 76, died in Kingston, Dec. 14, following an illness of four years.

He had lived in Kingston for three years and had retired from farming four years ago. Prior to moving to Kingston, he lived in Napanee and was a member of St. Alban's Anglican Church, Adolphustown.

Mr. Mallory served as warden at the church for 20 years.

Before he moved to Napanee, Mr. Mallory served as a director of the United Empire Loyalist Cheese Factory at Dorland.

He is survived by his wife, the former Rose Thompson and two sons: Allan, of Napanee and Carl of Calgary; a daughter, Mrs. Fred (Frances) McGinness, of Kingston and four sisters and two brothers.

The funeral was held at The Tierney Funeral Home on Dec. 16, to St. Alban's Anglican church, Adolphustown.

Pallbearers were: Harold Grooms, Jack Roblin, Donald Reynolds, Ross Powell, Evan Brooks and Victor Brooks.

Interment was in St. Alban's Cemetery, Adolphustown.


Frank T. Mallory

Frank Trumpour Mallory, 76, of Kingston died recently following a lengthy illness and was buried at St. Alban's Church Cemetery, Adolphustown.

Mr. Mallory was born in Adolphustown the son of Marshall and May Mallory and had lived in Napanee prior to moving to Kingston.

A farmer until his retirement four years ago, Mr. Mallory also attended St. Alban's Anglican Church, where he was a church warden for 20 years. Prior to moving to Napanee he had been director of the U.E.L. factory.

Surviving are his wife, Rose Thompson; his sons Allan of Napanee and Carl of Calgary; his daughter, Mrs. Fred (Frances) McGinness of Kingston; four sisters and two brothers. Pallbearers were Harold Grooms, Jack Roblin, Donald Reynolds, Ross Powell, Evan Brooks and Victor Brooks.


Dec 15 1975

Kingston Whig Standard


Jan 2 1976

Kingston Whig Standard


Hattie Amy

  *  see Roblin, Hattie Amy (nee Mallory)


Harold Frederick


MALLORY, Harold Frederick – In his 70th year, suddenly at the Kingston General Hospital on Thursday April 21 1988, Harold Mallory beloved husband of Frances Josephine Allison, dear brother of Grace Dorland, Mrs. Ab Wright (Ruth), both of Kingston; Estella Davis, Deseronto; Keith Mallory, Vancouver; and the late Basil, Bessie Creighton, Frank and Hilda Hall. Resting at the James Reid Funeral Home, Cataraqui Chapel (County Street at Highway 2). Private Family Service,. Cremation. Friends will be received Friday, 7-9 p.m. Entombment in the D.W. Allison Mausoleum, Adolphustown. As expressions of sympathy, donations to St. Alban’s Church, Adolphustown or St. Luke’s Anglican Church, Kingston, in Mr. Mallory’s memory will be thoughtfully remembered by the family.


Harold Frederick Mallory, 69, of 370 Macdonnell St., died recently at Kingston General Hospital and was entombed in the D.W. Allison mausoleum at Adolphustown following cremation.

He was born in Adolphustown Township, a son of the late Marshall Mallory and his wife, the former May Trumpour, but had been a Kingston resident for 48 years.

A machinist, he was employed at Alcan (Canada) Products for 22 years and with the Frontenac County Board of Education for 19 years. He had also been caretaker at Centennial Public School.

Mr. Mallory retired six years ago.

He collected and restored old tools in addition to making his own, including several woodworking machines.

Among his special interests was restoring furniture and for four years he was a teaching assistant in this art at Loyalist Collegiate and Vocational Institute.

Surviving are his wife, the former Frances (Fran) Josephine Allison; three sisters, Mrs. Norman (Estella) Davis of Deseronto; Mrs. James (Grace) Dorland and Mrs. Albert (Ruth) Wright, both of Kingston, and a brother, Keith Mallory of Vancouver.

Another brother, Basil Mallory, predeceased him.

Additional survivors are several nieces and nephews.


Apr 21 1988

Kingston Whig Standard


May 9 1988

Kingston Whig Standard


Hester A.

(nee Clapp)


Dorland - a gloom was cast over this vicinity upon the receipt of a telegram, that Hester A. Mallory wife of Dr. M.B. Mallory, Toronto, and daughter of the late Elias Clapp, of this place, had passed away. Mr. Wilmot Hawley attended the funeral in Toronto, where the remains were interred.


Jan 16 1914

Napanee Beaver



(nee Allison)


The funeral of Mrs. Jane Mallory, Adolphustown, took place at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. Roblin, Aug. 27th. Mrs. Mallory’s parents were Joseph B. Allison and Mrs. Allison, U.E. Loyalists of the first generation, and her husband, the late Nelson Mallory, Thompson’s Point.


Sept 10 1918

Daily British Whig


Janet Luella


Mallory, Janet Luella - Suddenly at the Kingston General Hospital on Friday, March 31, 1967, Janet Luella Mallory, dearly beloved daughter of Hester and the late Edwin A. Magee, dear mother of Maurice, Camp Borden, dear sister of Franklin, Jim, Ross and Fred Magee, all of Kingston, Gerald Magee of Sillsville, and Mrs. James Schott (Millie) of Rochester, N.Y.  Resting at the Robert B. Cullen Funeral Home, 529 Palace Road, for funeral service in the Chapel on Monday April 3 at 2 p.m. Interment Riverside Cemetery, Napanee.


Janet Luella Mallory - Funeral service was held recently for Janet Luella Mallory, 36, who died March 31 at Kingston General Hospital. Mrs. Mallory lived at 111 Lower Union.

She was born to Hester and the late Edwin Magee in Sillsville. She lived in Kingston for 15 years and was a member of the United Church.

She worked as a clerk at the Canadian Army Staff College, Fort Frontenac for 13 years.

Mrs. Mallory is survived by her son, Maurice at Camp Borden; her mother, Mrs. Edwin Magee, Kingston; as sister, Mrs. James (Millicent) Schott, of Spencer Port, N.Y., and five brothers, Gerald, of Hay Bay, and Franklin, James, Ross and Frederick of Kingston.

The funeral was from the Cullen Funeral Home to Riverview Cemetery in Napanee. Rev. H.J. McAvoy conducted the service.

Conrad Schott, and Roland Minaker, and Brent, David, Alex and George Magee were pallbearers.






John Maurice


Died in Kingston

The remains of the late Master John Maurice Mallory, five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mallory were brought from Kingston where he passed away and taken to the home of his parents, South Fredericksburgh, and the funeral service was held this afternoon.


Dec 18 1931

Kingston Whig Standard


Marshall Frederick


Funeral service was held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in St. Alban's Church, Adolphustown for Marshall Frederick Mallory, 76, of Adolphustown. He died early Wednesday morning following an illness of two weeks. The service was conducted by Rev. H.C. Secker, and burial was in Adolphustown Cemetery.

His wife, the former May Trumpour, predeceased him nine years ago. He is survived by five daughters, Mrs. J.P. Dorland and Mrs. A.G. Wright, Kingston; Mrs. Morley Creighton, Sillsville; Mrs. Norman Davis, Deseronto, and Mrs. Henry Hall, Belleville; three sons, Keith and Harold Mallory, Kingston, and Frank Mallory, Sillsville.


In Memory of Marshall F. Mallory, Beloved husband of the late May Trumpour, who passed away at Kingston on Wednesday, June 11th, 1947 in his 76th year.

Resting at the residence of Mr. Ray Allison, Adolphustown, for funeral service at St. Alban's Anglican Church on Friday, June 13th at 2.30 p.m. Rev. H.C. Sicker officiating. Interment at Adolphustown.


June 13 1947

Kingston Whig Standard








Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson received the sad news on Wednesday evening announcing the death in the Kingston General Hospital of their grandson, master Morris Mallory. Morris was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mallory of Adolphustown and was only five years of age. The funeral service was held at Adolphustown on Friday afternoon.


Dec 19 1931

Kingston Whig Standard


Phila Ann


At Adolphustown, on Friday, July 9th, 1915, Phila Ann Mallory, aged 80 years and 6 months.


At Adolphustown, on July 9th, Phila Ann Mallory, aged eighty years.



From the Watson Scrapbooks


July 17 1915

Daily British Whig




Died – MALLORY – At Adolphustown, on Thursday, Aug 27, 1891, Sarah Mallory, aged 85 years.


MALLORY - In Adolphustown on Thursday, 27th Aug., Sarah, relict of the late Edwin Mallory, aged 85 years.


During the past week a number of landmarks of the county have passed away.  Thursday, 27th inst., Mrs. Mallory, relict of the late Edwin Mallory, aged 85 years, a lady well known and highly respected throughout town and country, died at Adolphustown.  She had of late resided with her daughter, Mrs. F. A. Rous, of Belleville.


Sept 11 1891

Napanee Express


Sept 4 1891

Napanee Beaver


Sarah Elizabeth

  *  see Roblin, Sarah Elizabeth


W. Nelson


On Saturday last death claimed one of the most respected residents of Adolphustown in the person of W.N. Mallory. Deceased had been in very poor health for some time, and for several months past it was known that there could be no cure to his malady - diabetes. Deceased was a brother of Mrs. Elizabeth Green, Napanee, and was in his fifty-ninth year. the funeral takes place to-day at ten o'clock to Allison's vault.


W. Nelson Mallory, Esq., - of Adolphustown, died at his residence, on Saturday last, after a long illness, lasting over a year. He was about sixty years of age. Mr. Mallory was a native of South Fredericksburgh, the second son of the late Edwin Mallory, J.P., so well known to many of our readers, and brother of Mrs. J.C. Greene, Napanee. Mr. Mallory married Miss Jane Allison, sister of David Allison, ex-M.P., who with a son and three daughters survive him. He always resided in this county and for many years at Mallory's Point on the Bay. He was a man of intelligence and represented, at one time, Adolphustown in the County Council. He was also a member of the Township council for years. He was a Liberal in politics and took an active interest in public affairs. The funeral took place on Monday last, at the Centenary Methodist church, of which he was a regular attendant.


Dec 20 1897

Daily British Whig


Dec 31 1897





  *  see Moss, Eliza




At Wellington, on Monday, Jan 25 1915, Miss Julia Mandeville.  Miss Mandeville was a daughter of the late Francis Mandeville, and leaves two sisters, the Misses Mary and Anna



From the Watson Scrapbooks



(nee Gleason)


Mrs. John Manion -

Death once again has caused a widespread sorrow throughout this community, on February 9th last, also around her native country where she was born, in the person of Mrs. John Manion, formerly Miss Annie Gleason.  She was of a loveable disposition, a person of rare Christian virtues, whose life was an adornment, which dignified the sacred position of a wife and mother, a holy life studded thick and fair with earthly deeds.  She was a young woman, whose future life seemed to be foreshadowed with every happiness, as her home seemed to always have a ray of bright sunshine within, no matter how dark it seemed outside.  She was great of soul with a keen intelligence, a generous heart, a loyal and energetic disposition, with an unshakable will, she being the kind of a mother we all love to admire.

Her kindness and strength of character endeared her not only to her family, but also to the many friends whom she always treated in a cordial manner. Her company was always agreeable and attractive, and many were the tributes heard to her womanly character and staunch faith;  also messages of grief and regret heard on all sides.  So we all send prayerful sympathy to her dear family, especially her mother and sisters and poor dear little children, who have ever been the object of her tender care and attention.  So may her Blessed Mother console these in her tender and loving way, until time gives pleasure to the love that they  all will enjoy together for all eternity.

The kindness of the neighbours is to be remembered since her death offering a helping hand in different ways.  the same was with herself, no sacrifice was too great for her to show her good will in giving a helping hand to any one who stood in need of it.

Her funeral took place on Tuesday to St. Patrick’s Church, where a solemn High Mass was sung by her Priest Father McDonald, who administered the last rites of her Church to her on her dying bed.  The many spiritual offerings, numbering sixty-seven, bore testimony of the esteem in which the deceased was held.





Ida May


MANION - At Richmond, on Saturday, February 9th, 1929, Annie Manion, aged 42 years and 8 months.


OBITUARY - Miss Ida May Manion -

Many hearts were saddened and shocked on Monday morning, July 10th, when word was received that Ida Manion had passed peacefully away to the Great Beyond, at her beautiful home, near Selby, after a lingering illness, although for several years she had been failing in health, the last two months being very trying.  Despite all that loving hands and medical skill could do to prolong her earthly flight, she passed away with a perfect resignation to God’s will.  Her sufferings were very intense by times, but she bore them with great patience and cheerfulness with a courage seldom exceeded.

It seems so hard to see a sweet young life like Ida’s cut off in the prime.  It seems so strange about a month ago her friends were summoned to her bedside, fearing the end was near, but with wonderful recuperative power she rallied again, and seemed much better in health, but a sudden change later on seemed to follow, and terminated in her death.  She was a member of the League of the Sacred Heart and Altar Society.  She was also a member of the Women’s League, in which she was always much interested.  She was very fond of music and flowers, and enjoyed the association of her friends.

The funeral took place Wednesday morning to St. Patrick’s Church, Napanee, where a solemn requiem mass was sung by Reverend Father O’Connor for the repose of her soul.  Her beautiful casket had a number of religious offerings from her friends.   The pall-bearers were Messrs. Frank Denison, Shirley Lewis, Jack Donovan, John Manion, Tom Manion and Mr. Bradshaw.








Reginald Mapp’s Body Recovered -

NAPANEE,  June 21 - The body of Reginald map, who lost his life in the Napanee River on Thursday morning was recovered shortly after three o’clock in the afternoon, the recovery being mad by the use of a seine.  From twenty to twenty-five men were working when the body was recovered.  It was down to a depth of over twenty feet.  The body was taken to the undertaking parlors of VanLuven and Wartman.  No inquest will be held.

Mapp, a young Englishman, aged about 23 years, was drowned in the Napanee River near Woodcock’s school-house, about five miles west of here, yesterday morning.

The young man, who formerly worked for several farms in the district, had been employed with the stone-crusher.  A boat, which had been tied to the dock, drifted out into the river and the young man threw off his coat and started to swim out. He had gone a short distance when he sank from sight.  Efforts were made to rescue him, but they proved to no avail.







ANTHONY MARACLE - Deseronto -  Funeral of Anthony Maracle, 67, who died at his home at R.R. 1 Deseronto, was held from his late residence to Mohawk Pentecostal Church, with Fred Bennett officiating.

Pall-bearers were Gordon Zachariah, Clifton Zachariah, Pat Maracle, Ross Maracle, Vernon Maracle and Russell Green.

Interment was at Mohawk Pentecostal Cemetery.

Born on the Tyendinaga Mohawk Indian Reserve, the late Mr. Maracle was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Maracle, and had lived in this locality for 37 years.  At one time he resided in Wellington.  He died after a long illness.

He leaves his wife, the former Delia Zachariah, and five sons:  Percy Maracle, R. R. 1 Deseronto;  Wilmot Maracle, Columbus, Ohio;  Huron Maracle, Bloomfield;  William Maracle, of Detroit, Mich., and Keith Maracle, of Belleville, and four daughters, Mrs. Reva Spencer of  Kingston;  Mrs. Dorlene Hennessy, of Bloomfield, and Helen and Mae at home.

He also leaves three brothers, Cornelius, James and Samuel Maracle, all of R. R. 1 Deseronto, and a sister Mrs. Sarah Marlin, of Hamilton.


Oct 12 1960

Napanee Beaver


David Peter



Deseronto - Funeral of David Peter Maracle, of Shannonville, who died at Belleville General Hospital after a long illness, was held at Christ Anglican church on the Tyendinaga Mohawk Indian Reserve near here with interment at Christ Church Cemetery.  Canon J. V. Temple, chaplain to the Reserve, officiated and pall bearers were Samuel Maracle, James Maracle, Nelson Greene, Alex Sero, Mark Hill and Ira Maracle.  Born on the Reserve, the late Mr. Maracle was a son of the late Peter Maracle and his wife, Sarah, and leaves his wife, Sarah, and son, Leonard, of Toronto, and a daughter, Mrs. Vera Maracle, RR 1, Deseronto.  He is also survived by two brothers, Peter and James, of Toronto, and two sisters, Mrs. Mabel Brant, of Shannonville, and Mrs. Maud Doreen.




Aug 5 1964




MARKWELL - At Adolphustown, on Monday, January 2nd, 1922, Viola Markwell, aged 17 years.


Jan 10 1922




Richie M.



Pte. Richie M. Marlin was born in Hungerford, Ont., February 16th, 1897, and died on the field of France, April 9th, 1917.  Pte. Marlin was of a kind and loving disposition, always willing to lend a helping hand, and was well liked by young and old of the neighborhood in which he lived.  Richie was one of the brave boys who thought that liberty and freedom were better than life under Prussian rule.  He therefore voluntarily left his father’s home and went to a foreign land to do his bit for King and Country.  A memorial service was held on Sunday, June 24th, in Ebenezer Church.  The church was crowded with sympathizing friends, and the address was given by his Pastor, Rev. J. F. Everson, and was full of sympathy and patriotism.  It was a masterly address from the text, Matthew 10:39, “He that findeth his life, shall lose it; and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.” 

He threw his living breast to stem the German tide,

This volunteer from Canada he as veteran tried.

He met the boast of William’s host,

He met them hand to hand,

This volunteer from Canada,

This boy of our land.

When men come back from war’s grim track,

And silent is the gun;

I’ll look with pride on him that died,

And say he was my son.







Joseph Marsh of Fredericksburgh buried Feb 11 1788.


Langhorn's Anglican Registers

1787 - 1814




Peter Marsh, a respected resident of Fredericksburgh, died Tuesday, aged fifty-nine years. The funeral took place yesterday to the Roman Catholic cemetery.


Oct 26 1903

Weekly British Whig


Mary A.

(nee Merrett)


MARY A. MERRETT -  The beloved wife of Israel Marshall, died in the Lord August 20th, 1885, at their residence, Caistor township, aged forty years five months and twelve days.  Our sister was married to him that now mourns his loss for nineteen years.   The gap that death has made is great, as there are eight of an offspring left behind, and a part of whom are very tender in days and years, and need much care.  The departed sister was brought to God at the early age of twelve years, and has been a member of the Church ever since.  In early life the servants of God made their home at her father’s house.  And it was no doubt a source of comfort to her  to remember the fervent prayers that were offered for her in early life by the missionaries that scattered the Gospel truths through this part of the work.  Her aged father passed on before her some five years, and will greet her on the other shore.  For some ten years our departed sister has been in an uncertain state of health, and been thus reminded that her end was somewhat nigh.  Rev. Mr. Kennedy visited and prayed with her, and gave testimony at the funeral of her bright prospects for the land of the holy.  Though much desired, her useful life could not be spared.  Her remains are deposited in the graveyard at Ker Church; but her spirit is with Christ.  The funeral was large, and was conducted by Rev. Mr. Duff and Rev. Mr. Kennedy.  The pastor discoursed from the words, “All flesh is as grass.”  Many tokens were shown by those present of their deep respect that they had for Sister Marshall.  May her family and neighbors meet her in heaven, when our toils are over. 

[signed]  E. Whitworth.


Sept 16 1885

The Christian Guardian


Mary E.

   * see Philp, Mary E.


Charles Stewart


LIEUT. MARTIN KILLED IN ACTION -   Mrs. R. D. Martin of Murray Avenue, Westmount, has received word that her son, Lieut. Charles Stewart Martin, M.C. has been killed in action.  Lieut. Martin, who was a graduate of McGill University went to the front as a private in Lieut. Col. Baker’s battalion o f Mounted Rifles, and was awarded his commission in the field in May, 1916.  He was then transferred to a Highland battalion, with which he served up to the time of his death on September 29.  He won the Military Cross in January 1917 for conspicuous gallantry in leading trench raids and bringing in prisoners.  Lieut. Martin was born in Winnipeg 23 years ago. –Montreal Star.


From the Watson Scrapbooks



   * see Ansley, Deborah




MARTIN - At Bonycastle, Grange road, on Thursday, Feb 17, 1910, Elizabeth Martin, widow of the late A. Martin Esq.  Funeral Saturday.



From the Watson Scrapbooks


Emma S.


MARTIN - At Selby, on Friday, March 2nd, 1934, Emma S. Martin, wife of Henry Martin in her 79th year.







   *  see Diamond, Letitia (nee Martin, formerly Dickson)





Robert Martin of Camden, born in the village of Newburg in the early fifties, died at his residence at the age of 85.  Having contracted pneumonia he lay ill for ten days and failed to respond to the treatment afforded him.  All of his family were at his bedside when the end came.  The deceased, whose father died when he was quite young, was left the sole support of a widowed mother and five sisters, only one of whom, a sister, Mrs. Yerex of Portland, Oregon, survives him.

Later in life he married Agnes E. Weese, who predeceased him almost three years ago.  Of the union three sons and two daughters were born, all of whom survive him, Harry C. and Dr. R. D. of Niagara Falls, N.Y., Reginald of Winnipeg, Miss Hazel at home and Mrs. Harold Nugent of Wesley.

The deceased was a successful farmer, having developed and maintained one of the best farms in the township.  His judgement was often sought relative to crop and soil conditions, of which he had made a study.  His home was an open house to anyone who cared to come under his roof.  He was a strong supporter of the Conservative Party. In his passing the community loses a familiar figure with a fund of ready Irish wit.

Rev. E. F. Swayne conducted a very impressive service at Wesley United Church and later at Camden East cemetery, where the remains were laid to rest beside those of this wife, sister and father.





Robert Denison



Active in Municipal Life, R. D. Martin Dies at 77 -

Former clerk-treasurer of Richmond Township, Robert Denison (Bert) Martin, died suddenly last Thursday at Hotel Dieu Hospital, Kingston.  He was four days short of his 77th birthday.

Born in Richmond, Mr. Martin had operated an insurance business in Selby for a number of years and was president this year of the Lennox and Addington Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of which he had been a director for 25 years. 

He retired two years ago from an active municipal career, during which he had not only served as township clerk and treasurer, but as relief officer, assessor and school board secretary-treasurer.  He was also a past worthy patron of the Eastern Star and had been a member of Union Masonic Lodge, No. 9, Napanee, since 1938.  He was active in Trinity United Church, Napanee, until the time of his death.

Mr. Martin leaves his wife, the former Agnes Mather, and two sons, Milton H. Martin, Napanee, and Charles Martin, Sudbury and a daughter, Mrs. Bruce Huyck (Hazel), of Hay Bay.


Oct 12 1960

Napanee Beaver




Mr. Thomas Martin.

There passed away suddenly of heart failure, at his home at Mount Pleasant, on Friday, November 20th, Mr. Thomas Martin, in his 75th year. The deceased was born in New York State, and moved to Canada with his parents when a boy and settled at West Huntington. For twenty-five years he farmed in Tyendinaga, and about six years ago moved to Mount pleasant. He was a kind and affectionate father. He married Jane Ann Graham, of Camden  who is left to mourn, and five children, Robert and Edward, Marysville; and Charlie, at home; Mrs. William Graham, Richmond, and Mrs. Benn Platt, South Fredericksburgh. The funeral service was conducted at his late residence by Rev. J.H.H. Coleman. Burial at Deseronto cemetery.


Dec 4 1925

Napanee Beaver


Walter Lyall


Obituary – Walter Lyall Martin

Funeral services of Walter Lyall Martin were held at Gretna United Church, Dec. 20 with interment at Riverview Cemetery. Gerald Day officiated and pallbearers were Cameron Clark, Jay Clark, John Mack, Art Punchard, Bob Nesbitt and Wally Gibson. Flower-bearers were Brian Rombough, Bob Davis, Bill Davis, Richard Davis and John Higgins.

Mr. Martin died suddenly at the home of his sister, Mrs. Eldon Rombough, Dec. 18. He was born at North Fredericksburgh, 41 years ago and was the son of the late Victor Martin and Caroline Davis. He spent most of his life in this district and had worked on the Glenora ferry approximately 14 years. He was a member of Gretna United Church. He was keenly interested in sports, although due to his health, could not be active in them. He was a member of the Rod and Gun Club.

Surviving are his mother, Carrie, a brother, Jim, and sister, Frances (Mrs. Eldon Rombough).

He will be missed by his many friends and neighbors.


Jan 5 1966

Napanee Beaver


William Victor


MARTIN – Suddenly at Dorland on Sunday, May 13, 1951, William Victor Martin, beloved husband of Caroline Mary Davis and dear father of Lyall, James and Mrs. Eldon Rombough (Frances), in his 51st year. Resting at the residence of his brother-in-law, Aubrey Davis, North Fredericksburgh for funeral service at the Bethany United Church, Wednesday, May 16 at 2.30 p.m. Mr. Gordon Stewart of Conway officiating, assisted by Rev. A.C. McCallum of Bayside. Interment Riverview Cemetery, Napanee. Orange Lodge service.


May 15 1951

Kingston Whig Standard


Alma E.

   *  see Vance, Alma E. (nee Marvin)


Edith May

(nee Davy)


MATHESON - At the House of Providence on Friday, Jan. 22, 1965, Edith may Davy, in her 89th year, beloved wife of the late John Matheson, former Dean of Arts, Queen’s University;  dear mother of Mrs. Helen Conley, of Toronto,  Donald of Brockville, and the late George Matheson.  Resting at the Robert J. Reid and Sons Funeral Home, corner of Barrie and Johnson streets.  Service in the “Chapel on the Corner” on Monday, Jan 25 at 3 p.m.  Interment Cataraqui Cemetery.


Jan 25 1965


Whig Standard


Harold Stratton




In proud and loving memory of Lieut. Harold Stratton Matthews, First Brigade, C.F.A., First Canadian contingent, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Matthews, Peterboro, Ont., killed in action June 2 1916, aged 22, while remaining at his post as forward observing officer, where he continued to the last to direct his battery in an endeavor to protect the retiring infantry and to impede the progress of the advancing enemy.


From the Watson Scrapbooks




 William Matthews, a tailor by trade, residing near Napanee in township of Richmond died on Sunday the 20th April and was buried next day in the Grave ground near Hearns by me Saltern Givins.

In presence of A. McNeil & J. Ramsay.



Parish Records



Eliza Ann

  * see Madden, Eliza Ann


James Nelson


McALLISTER - At Toronto, on Wednesday, Feb 16, 1910 at his residence, 631 Bathurst Street, James Nelson, beloved husband of Melissa McAllister, in his 56th year.  Funeral service Friday evening at above address at 8 o’clock.  Interment in Norwich, Ont., on arrival of train leaving Toronto Saturday morning.  Norwich Masons please accept this intimation.  Norwich Gazette please copy.



From the Watson Scrapbooks




McAllister – At his residence, 2 Barrie avenue, on Saturday, Sept. the 7th 1918, John McAllister  beloved husband of Isabella Fraser, aged 74 years. Funeral service Tuesday, the 10th instant, at 3 p.m. from above address Interment Prospect Cemetery.


Mr. John McAllister Dies After Accident – Mr. John McAllister died on Saturday at his home, 2 Barrie avenue, following injuries received in an accident last Wednesday night on St. Clair avenue.  Mr. McAllister was returning from church in a motor car, and in crossing the civic car tracks at Shaw street and St. Clair avenue the motor car was struck by a street car.  The motor car was thrown into a store window, and Mr. McAllister sustained a fractured skull.



From the Watson Scrapbooks


Rebecca Fleming


McAREE - On Tuesday, July 13th, at 245 Parliament St., Rebecca Fleming, only daughter of John McAree, D.T.S., aged 3 years, 6 months and 28 days.


July 28 1886

Christian Guardian




McBRIDE - At North Fredericksburgh, June 1st, Mrs. Amanda McBride, aged seventy-three years.


June 4 1898

British Whig




McBride - At North Fredericksburgh, on Thursday, March 15th, 1928, Margaret McBride, aged 77 years, 5 months.


Mar 20 1928

Napanee Express


Alva Vincent


At North Fredericksburgh, Feb. 4th, Alva Vincent McCabe, son of the late John Wesley McCabe, aged 59 years.


Feb 15 1895

Weekly British Whig


Amy Elizabeth

(nee Wells)


Mrs. D.A. McCabe

Funeral was held Monday of Amy Elizabeth Wells, 83, widow of David Anson McCabe, who died Saturday at her late residence at Sand Hill, North Fredericksburgh. The service was conducted by Rev. W. Parker and interment was made in Sand Hill Cemetery.

Pall-bearers were Walter Sills, Frank Parks, Charles Moore, W. Dillenbeck, John Funnell and Sidney Griffith.


Feb 27 1946

Kingston Whig Standard




After an illness extending over a period of several months, there passed away on Monday one of the best known and highly esteemed residents of Napanee, in the person of Ashton McCabe at the age of 72 years.

For the past number of years, Mr. McCabe had not been in the best of health and retired from a farm several years ago, coming to Napanee. Since April he had been confined to his bed and for the past few weeks his condition had been critical.

Mr. McCabe was born at Hay Bay, the sone of Mr. and Mrs. Elias McCabe. With the exception of the few years spent in Napanee, his whole life had been spent in the Hay Bay district. He was a man of irreproachable character, a true Christian and a faithful member of the Presbyterian Church at Sandhill. Coming to Napanee he united with St. Andrew’s Presbyterian (now Untied) Church. He was a staunch Liberal in politics, although he never aspired to any public office.

There were born to Mr. and Mrs. McCabe two children, the son Clarence having paid the supreme sacrifice in the Great War. The daughter, Mrs. Walter Huffman, resides on the old homestead. Besides his widow, he leaves to mourn his loss two brothers, Edward and D.A. McCabe of Hay Bay.

The funeral service is to be held on Wednesday afternoon from the family residence to the Sandhill Church, with interment at Sandhill.



Sept 6 1931

Kingston Whig Standard





McCABE - At North Fredericksburgh, Sept. 4th, Bertha, wife of Mr. Miro McCabe, aged 30 years.


Sept 12 1902

Napanee Beaver




Man Dies on Street

Charles McCabe, retired Hay Bay farmer, dropped dead shortly before 9 a.m. Sunday, on West street, a short distance from his boarding house at 52 West street.

Mr. McCabe, who had boarded at the home of Mrs. Hazel Nolan for the past three years, had risen early and contrary to his usual custom ate a hearty breakfast. He was on his way to a store for tobacco, and had gone out the door joking with others who boarded at the Nolan home.

Mr. McCabe celebrated his 73rd birthday on March 11, and Mrs. Nolan had baked a cake for him on that day.

Born on a farm on the north shore of Hay Bay, at RR 3 Napanee, Charles McCabe was a descendant of United Empire Loyalists. His parents were Edward McCabe and Ann Loyst. He farmed in the Hay Bay area for a number of years, on a farm left to him by his father.

He is a brother of Wilfred McCabe, who still lives on the farm deeded to their Loyalist ancestor, and who is a former reeve of North Fredericksburgh. Surviving also is a sister, Maude McCabe, of Hillcrest Lodge, Napanee.

Mr. McCabe is resting at the Tierney Funeral Home. Funeral arrangements have not yet been released.


Apr 4 1966

Kingston Whig Standard




Pte. Clarence McCabe, born in North Fredericksburgh in 1891, joined 146th Battalion, 4th C.M.R., and was accidentally killed on the 26th May, 1917, “somewhere in France” at the age of twenty-five years and eleven months. He was the only dearly loved son of Mr. and Mrs. Ashton McCabe, Hay Bay.


July 7 1917

Daily British Whig


David Anson


After a lengthy illness the death took place at his residence on Saturday morning of one of the best known and highly esteemed residents of hay Bay in the person of D.A. McCabe. The deceased had been a life-long resident of the Township of north Fredericksburgh and resided at Hay Bay. He was a farmer. He had been seriously ill for the past two weeks and was in a Kingston hospital for a time during the summer.

He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Elias McCabe and was the last member of his family. Besides Mrs. McCabe, he leaves to mourn three daughters, Mrs. Fred Moore and Mrs. Clarence Moore of Napanee, R.R. 3 and Mrs. Robert Rennie of Detroit.

The funeral was held at his late residence on Monday and was conducted by Rev. A.C. McCallum of the Bay Circuit.


The funeral of the late David Anson McCabe was held from his late residence at Hay Bay on Monday afternoon and was largely attended.

Deceased was particularly well-known in his native township as well as in Napanee, where he had been a frequent visitor. The service was in charge of Rev. A.C. McCallum of the Bay circuit, who was assisted by Rev. E.A. Wick of the Pentecostal Assembly Hall, Napanee, who offered prayer. There were many floral tokens.

After the service the cortege proceeded to the Sand Hill Cemetery where the interment was made. The pall-bearers were neighbours in North Fredericksburgh.


Nov 17 1941

Kingston Whig Standard


Nov 18 1941

Kingston Whig Standard




One of the best known residents of North Fredericksburgh passed away suddenly early Thursday morning in the person of Edda McCabe in his 78th year. Although he had been affected with heart trouble for some time, he had not been confined to the house.

Shortly after arising and before going out to do some work, he expired. He was a life-long resident of the township and was the only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Philip McCabe. He died in the same house in which he was born and he was the fifth generation to reside in the old homestead.

He was a life-long member of the Methodist church and later the United Church and also a life-long Liberal. He leaves Mrs. McCabe, two sons, Wilfred McCabe, reeve of North Fredericksburgh and Charles, and one daughter, Miss Maud McCabe.


Feb 17 1939

Kingston Whig Standard


Edward O’Reilly


Deaths - McCabe - At Sand Hill, on Friday, March 30th, 1934, Edward O. McCabe, in his 78th year.


The Late E. O'Reilly McCabe

The Township of North Fredericksburgh lost another of its best known residents on Good Friday, March 30th, when Mr. Edward O'Reilly McCabe passed away at his home at Sand Hill. For months, the late Mr. McCabe had been confined of a family of thirteen children, his weeks his condition was very critical [sic]. At the ripe age of 77 years 2 months and 28 days he passed on to his eternal reward.

The late Mr. McCabe was born in North Fredericksburgh Township on January 2nd, 1857. He was one of a family of thirteen children, his father being Mr. Elias McCabe. On January 14th, 1880, he married Eliza Jane Hambly, and four years ago they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. They had spent some years in Michigan ad Deseronto, but most of his life was spent in the township in which he was born.

Mr. McCabe was a member of the Sand Hill United Church and had always been interested in its success. He was of a very jovial disposition, a trait that he had inherited from his Irish parents. He was a great visitor and always loved to have his friends in his home. He was a good husband, a kind father and a splendid neighbor.

The funeral service was held on Easter Sunday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. and was conducted by his minister., Rev. J.E. Beckel. Several of his favorite hymns were sung and the text, used by the minister was selected by the decreased. The crowded home showed the esteem in which Mr. McCabe was held by all.

He leaves to mourn his loss, his widow, Eliza Jane McCabe, one daughter, Mrs. Perry Brown, Sand Hill, one son, Blake, at home, and one brother, Mr. D. A. (Jack),McCabe. One boy and one girl died in infancy and another daughter, Mrs. Frank Sherman, died some years ago.


Apr 4 1934

Napanee Beaver


Elizabeth Anne

(nee Loyst)


Mrs. Elizabeth McCabe

The death of Mrs. Elizabeth Anne Loyst McCabe occurred at her home, Hay Bay.

Deceased was born in South Fredericksburgh, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marvin Loyst and resided there until her marriage to Edda McCabe of North Fredericksburgh where she spent the remainder of her life. Her husband predeceased her by six years. She was a member of the Sand Hill United church. She has laid aside the work-worn garment for the robe of rest leaving us treasured memories.

Surviving are one daughter, Maud, two sons, Charles and Wilfrid and one grandson, Donald, also two sisters, Mrs. Jane Magee, Detroit and Mrs. A.E. Thompson, Sillsville.

Rev. S.L. Osborne, Port Credit, a former minister of Bay Circuit and Rev. F.J. Armitage, the present minister, conducted the service during which Ward Wartman sand, “Jesus Thou Art All to Me.”

Following the funeral the body was placed in Riverside vault at Napanee to await burial in the spring at Sand Hill Cemetery.

The pall-bearers were Wallace Humphrey, Frank Parks, Walter Silver, Fred Moore, George Davy and Laurence Moore.



Jan 27 1945

Kingston Whig Standard



Egerton R.


The sudden death of Mr. Egerton R. McCabe occurred early Monday morning, September 2nd, at his residence, South Napanee. He had been suffering recently form heart trouble, but his condition was not looked upon as very serious and his sudden passing came as a shock to his family and many friends.

Up to three weeks ago he had ben able to carry on his work as a decorator, which avocation he had followed for many years.

Mr. McCabe was born in 1856 at Hay Bay and was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCabe. As a young man he came to Napanee and learned the painting and papering trade. For a great many years he had successfully carried on a contracting business and was one of the leading operators in his trade in the district. He was a man of excellent character, who had the respect and high regard of a host of  friends. He was of a rather quiet and retiring disposition and never sought a place in the public eye. For forty years he was a member of Lodge No. 86, I.O.O.F, and at the time of his death was the oldest official member of Grace church, which he had attended faithfully all his life. In politics he was a staunch Liberal.

Mr. McCabe was the last member of his family. His brothers, Ela and Leonard and his siter Mrs. John Hudson predeceased him some years ago. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. B.M. Black and one grandson, Mr. Jack Black. His wife predeceased him about seven years ago.

His funeral is being held today (Wednesday) at the family residence, where Mr. McCabe had resided for 55 years. The service is being conducted by Rev. R.T. Richards, minister of Grace United Church, with interment to follow at Riverview Cemetery.


Sept 1935

Napanee Beaver


Eliza Jane

(nee Hambly)


McCABE - At her late residence in North Fredericksburgh, Thursday, March 9th, 1944, Eliza Jane Hambly, devoted widow of the late E.O. McCabe, in her 88th year.


Mrs. E.O. McCabe

In the death of Mrs. E.O. McCabe on Thursday, March 9th, the Sand Hill community lost one of its oldest residents. Mrs. McCabe's death occurred at the home of her son-in-law, Perry Brown, in her 88th year, after an illness of some time.

She was formerly Eliza Hambly, and was one of a large family of whom three brothers and two sisters survive. Most of her life was spent in the Hay Bay district where she took an active interest in the work of the United church and where she was held in high regard by a large circle of friends.

Her funeral was conducted by Rev. A.C. McCallum, minister of the Bay Circuit, at the Wartman Funeral Home, on Saturday afternoon, and burial took place in the family plot at Sand Hill.

Mrs. McCabe is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Perry Brown, one son, Blake McCabe, Kingston; two sisters, Mrs. James Shane, Napanee; Mrs. Walter Hall, Plainfield; and three brothers, Edward Hambly, Hay Bay, and Elmer and Charles Hambly, Prince Edward County. She also leaves nine grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren.

The pallbearers were Messrs. W.W. McCabe, W. Dillenbeck, Lawrence Moore, Walter Silver, Frank Parks and Mr. Humphrey.

Those from a distance who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McCabe, Star Lake, N.Y.; Mr. Melbourne McCabe, Sacketts Harbor, N.Y.; Mrs. Hollis Cannell, Philadelphia, N.Y., and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McCabe, Belleville, Ont.


Mar 15 1944

Napanee Beaver




McCABE - At North Fredericksburgh on Wednesday, Jan. 6th  1909, Emily McCabe, aged 83 years, 8 months and 24 days.



From the Hough Scrapbooks.


John W.


At North Fredericksburgh, April 10th, John W. McCabe, aged 65 years.


Apr 25 1887

Daily British Whig


Leonard Barton


Obituary - Leonard Barton McCabe

There passed away at his residence, on January 8th, 1923, one of Napanee's oldest and most respected citizens, in the person of Leonard Barton McCabe.

The subject of this sketch was one of a family of nine children, of the late Michael McCabe and the late Mrs. McCabe, whose maiden name was Nancy Ann VanAlstine. The brothers were Benson, Ela, Marshall, Richard and Edgerton Ryerson, and the sisters were Caroline, Flora Ann, Symantha Adelade, all deceased except Ela McCabe, of North Fredericksburgh; E.R. McCabe, Napanee, and Caroline, (Mrs. John Hudson) Deseronto Road.

Deceased married Sarah Dunning on July 21st, 187[?] and this union was blessed with three sons, Harry Benson, Michael Dennis, and William Dorland. The last two named are deceased. Michael Dennis died Aug. 9th, 1880, and William Dorland died Aug. 26th, 1901. Mr. McCabe was a descendant of U.E.L. stock, and was born at Hay Bay, within sight of the old U.E.L. chapel.

There remain to  mourn his loss, his widow and son, H.B. McCabe, of Oshawa; besides his two brothers and one sister above mentioned.
The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. W.H. Truscott, formerly of Oshawa, at present on the Bay Circuit, who spoke very feelingly to the vast number of sorrowing relatives and friends. The pall-bearers were Messrs. Casey Denison, Frank Wilson, Garrett Neely, Will Dunbar, F.I. Hooper and Sam Beard.


Jan 12 1923

Napanee Beaver



   * see Sills ,Lucy (nee McCabe)



(nee Shetlar)


The many friends in Newburg and Wesley regretted to learn of the death of Mrs. Miro McCabe, North Fredericksburgh, who passed away in the Kingston General Hospital. She was Miss Margaret Shetlar before her marriage and was well known in Newburg as well as in Wesley. Several people from here attended the funeral service.


Taken to the Kingston General Hospital a week ago Monday, the death took place
Tuesday of Mrs. Miro McCabe in her 69th year. The deceased had been in poor health for some time but was able to do her work until recently.

Mrs. McCabe was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Shetlar and was a native of Camden where she spent her early years. Her first marriage took place to Mylo Silver and they resided in the United States for about two years when he passed away. Twelve years ago she was united in marriage to Mr. McCabe and their home was in North Fredericksburgh, just south of Napanee. Mrs. McCabe was a member of Grace United Church.

Besides Mr. McCabe she leaves an only brother, James Shetlar, Camden.

The funeral was held Thursday afternoon and was conducted by Rev. C.D. McLellan, B.A., B.D., of Grace United Church.


Dec 17 1940

Kingston Whig Standard


Dec 12 1940

Kingston Whig Standard


Margaret Dulcina

(nee McCabe)


McCabe - At Hay Bay, on Sunday, May 11th, 1930, Margaret Dulcina McCabe, wife of William T. McCabe, in her 68th year.


The residents of the Bay district were shocked to learn on Sunday night of the sudden death of Mrs. William McCabe, her death occurring shortly after the supper hour. The family, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. McCabe and their daughter, Hazel, had their supper and the deceased had assisted her daughter in the washing of the dishes. Mr. McCabe and his daughter went to the barn to do the milking and when this was done, the daughter returned to the house and was horrified to find that her mother had passed away during the short interval in which she was away from the house.

The late Mrs. McCabe, whose maiden name was Margaret Dulcina McCabe, was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Elias McCabe and with the exception of a few years spent in Rochester, had been a life-long resident of the township I which she was born. For many years she had been in poor health and for the past three years had been an invalid. Despite her ill health she was always cheerful and was always pleased to have visitors call of  which there were many.

The deceased, who was 67 years of age, was united in marriage to Mr. William McCabe thirty-eight years ago and had always been a member of the Presbyterian church. Besides her bereaved husband she leaves to mourn her loss on e son, Herbert of Oshawa and two daughters, Mrs. Rose Perry, of Oshawa and Hazel, the latter who has always been at home, having been a ministering angel to her mother throughout the long illness. The deceased also leaves three brothers, Edward, jack and Ashton McCabe, the latter of Napanee, being in very poor health at the present time and one sister, Mrs. John Randall of Covert, Mich.

The funeral is to be held at the family residence at hay Bay on Wednesday afternoon, interment at the Sandhill cemetery.


The funeral of the late Mrs. William McCabe was held on Wednesday afternoon. the house was filled with those who came to pay their last respects to an honoured relative and friend. Her pastor had charge of the service, speaking especially of the victory achieved by this woman in the midst of suffering. The floral wreaths were very beautiful. Interment was made in the Sand Hill Cemetery.


May 14 1930

Napanee Beaver


May 13 1930

Kingston Whig Standard


May 21 1930

Napanee Beaver




McCabe, Martha - At her home, 44 Manor Road, W. Toronto, Thursday, Jan 3rd, 1952, Martha Joyce, beloved wife of the late Ashton McCabe, and mother of Mrs. Walter Huffman (Cora), and the late Clarence McCabe, sister of Wesley Joyce, Deseronto.


Mrs. Ashton McCabe Died in Toronto

Mrs. Ashton McCabe, formerly of Hay Bay, died on Thursday, Jan. 3rd at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huffman, Toronto.

Formerly Martha Joyce, Mrs. Huffman, [sic] was the widow of the late Ashton McCabe, of Hay Bay. Most of her life was spent at Hay Bay, until she went with Mr. and Mrs. Huffman to reside in Toronto, a few years ago.

She is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Huffman, and was predeceased by her only son, Clarence McCabe. She also leaves one brother, Wesley Joyce, Deseronto.

Funeral service was held in Toronto on Friday evening and her body was brought to Napanee on Saturday, where it rested at the Tierney Funeral Home until 4:00 p.m., when it was placed in the Riverside vault for interment at a later date.


Jan 9 1952

Napanee Beaver


Mary E.


McCABE - At Hay Bay, on Tuesday, December 31st, 1935, Mary E. McCabe, in her 75th year.


Jan 1 1936

Napanee Beaver


Mary Jane


At the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Butzer, Thomas street west [Deseronto], there passed away, Mrs. Mary Jane McCabe of Hay Bay, relict of the late Syrenus McCabe. Deceased had been ill for about a month of heart disease, and had been confined to bed for a week. She was eighty-three years of age. She is survived by five children, three daughters, Mrs. George Brown, Hay Bay; Mrs. B.H. Frink,, Halley, and Mrs. George Butzer, Deseronto, and two sons, Messrs. Mino, Napanee, and S.P. McCabe, Hay Bay. The funeral was held on Monday morning from her daughter’s residence to the Presbyterian Church at Hay Bay, where Mr. Ansley conducted the service. The remains were placed in the family plot.


Nov 27 1909

Daily British Whig




Miro McCabe

Napanee, April 9 – The death took place in South Napanee Monday of Miro McCabe in his 86th year. The deceased had been troubled with a leg ailment for several months and was confined to the house. He was one of a family of six, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Cyrenus McCabe of Big Creek. He spent his early years at Big Creek and in the year 1903 came to South Napanee to reside, which had been his home ever since. He was a well known figure about the town. Mrs. McCabe predeceased him aby only a few months.

He leaves to mourn his loss one son, Frank McCabe and four daughters, Mrs. Stephen Bennett, whose home is east of Napanee, Mrs. Johnston Wagar of South Napanee, Mrs. Maud Cronkwright of Syracuse and Mrs. Nettie Jukes of Rochester; also an only brother, Simeon McCabe of Hay Bay.



Apr 9 1941

Kingston Whig Standard



Nancy Ann

   * see Lawson, Nancy Ann (nee Vanalstine)


Nancy Jane


McCABE - On April 20th, Nancy Jane, relict of the late Elias McCabe, North Fredericksburgh, aged sixty nine years.*


McCABE - In North Fredericksburgh, on April 20th, Nancy Jane McCabe, aged 78 years and four months.*


*possibly the second notice is a correction?


Apr 28 1890

Daily British Whig


May 5 1890

Daily British Whig


Peter Melburn


At Napanee on Saturday 25th June, 1904, Peter Melburn McCabe, aged 63 years and 2 months.


Death of P.M. McCabe

The death of Peter Melburn McCabe, took place at his residence, Newburgh road on Saturday, June 25th, after an illness extending over quite a lengthy period. His wife predeceased him about a year. The funeral took place Monday afternoon at 4 p.m. Deceased was a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and the Napanee Orange Lodge. The members of both these societies attended the funeral in a body.  A family of eight children are left. They are Mrs. S. Dryden, Napanee, Mrs. F.F. Brown, Buffalo, N.Y.; Mrs. A.F. Bullens, Rochester, N.Y.; Mrs. John Hymers, Huntsville, Ont.; Mrs. R.E. Wales, Napanee; Charlie McCabe, Rochester; Harlowe McCabe, Napanee; and Miss Allie who resided at home. To the bereaved family is extended the sympathy of the community.


July 1 1904

Napanee Express



Philip R.


Philip R. McCabe - son of the late Elias McCabe, North Fredericksburgh, died very suddenly on Saturday night last, aged 42 years. Deceased was taken ill on Friday, and a doctor called, who saw that nothing but an operation could save the patient's life. Drs. Leonard and Bissonette decided to hold the same on Saturday, but on arriving found the patient too weak to undergo the operation. A post-mortem examination was made and the cause of death found to be a rupture of a bowel within a few inches of the stomach. Deceased was well known throughout this section, having for years been municipal clerk of the Township of North Fredericksburgh. The funeral took place on Monday to Sand Hill cemetery.


McCabe - At Hay Bay, April 18th, Philip R. McCabe, aged 42 years and 6 months.


Philip McCabe, of North Fredericksburgh, died very suddenly on Saturday night. Deceased was taken ill on Friday, and a doctor called, who pronounced the trouble peritonitis, and saw that nothing but an operation would save the patient's life. Drs. Leonard and Ward decided to perform the same on Saturday, but on arriving found the patient too weak to undergo the operation. the same evening he passed away. The funeral takes place to-day to Park's cemetery.


Apr 16, 1897




Apr 26 1897

Daily British Whig


Apr 29 1897

Daily British Whig




McCABE - At North Fredericksburgh on Wednesday, March 2nd, 1921, Sarah McCabe, beloved wife of Mr. Ela McCabe, aged 83 years, 4 months.


Sarah A. Howell, wife of Ella McCabe, North Fredericksburgh, died last Wednesday at the age of eighty-three years.


Mar 8 1921




Mar 11 1921

Daily British Whig



(nee Dunning)


The Late Mrs. Leonard McCabe

Early Good Friday, April 7th, Mrs. Sarah McCabe passed away in her 84th year, at her home on Bridge Street, East, following a short illness.  Mrs. McCabe had lived alone since the death of her husband, the late Leonard McCabe, who died in 1923, and was remarkably active until two days before her death.

When a friend, who called at her home early Wednesday was unable to gain entrance, a door was forced open, and Mrs. McCabe was found to be ill.  A doctor was summoned, but shortly after, the aged lady suffered a stroke, from which she did not rally and passed peacefully away on Friday.

The late Mrs. McCabe, who before her marriage was Sarah Dunning, was born in England a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Dunning, who came to Canada, when she was three years of age.  They lived in the vicinity of Napanee, and Mrs. McCabe resided with them until her marriage, when, with her husband, she went to live in North Fredericksburgh, near Hay Bay.  Over fifty years ago, she and her husband came to Napanee, where Mr. McCabe was a well known carter, until his death sixteen years ago.

Mrs. McCabe is survived by one son, Harry Benson McCabe of Oshawa, and besides her husband, was predeceased by two other sons who died many years ago. Her funeral was held at her late home on Monday afternoon, and was conducted by Rev. R. T. Richards of Grace United Church, of which Mrs. McCabe had been a member for many years.  Her body was placed in Riverside Cemetery vault to await burial at a later date.  The bearers were members of Court Lennox. No. 78 C.O.F. of which Order her son is a prominent member.


Apr 12 1939




Selena Lidbury


McCabe - At Napanee, on Sunday, September 30th, 1928, Selena Lidbury, beloved wife of Egerton R. McCabe, aged 72 years.


The Late Mrs. E.R. McCabe

On Sunday morning, Sept. 30th, there passed away in South Napanee, a respected citizen, in the person of Mrs. E.R. McCabe.

Mrs. McCabe came out to this country when only twelve years of age, from Weymouth, England, and married when quite young. For forty-two years she has resided in South Napanee, and during all that time has been a beloved neighbour and friend.

She was a member of Grace Church, Napanee, and before she was laid aside by illness, she was an active and interested worker in its various organizations, particularly the Ladies' Aid, and a few years ago she served as its president. She was as well a member of the Queen of Sheba Rebecca Lodge.

Mrs. McCabe some four years ago developed an incurable disease, and through all that time she has borne her great suffering with Christian patience and fortitude.

Besides a host of friends, Mrs. McCabe is mourned by her husband, one daughter, Mrs. B.M. Black, and one sister, Mrs. Adelaide Bland, of Toronto.

The funeral was held from her late home in South Napanee, on Tuesday and was conducted by Rev. W.P. Woodger, of Grace Church. Interment was made in Riverview cemetery.


Oct 3 1928

Napanee Beaver




McCabe, Wilfred

At Lennox and Addington County General Hospital on Thursday, October 25, 1984, Wilfred McCabe, beloved husband of Beatrice Knapp, dear father of Donald, RR 3 Napanee; lovingly remembered by three grandchildren, brother of the late Lulu Maud and Charles McCabe. Resting at the Wannamaker-Tierney Funeral Home, Napanee. Funeral Service in Trinity United Church, Monday, October 29 at 1:30 p.m. Reverend Donald Moore officiating. Interment Sandhill Cemetery, Hay Bay. Friends will be received Saturday 7-9 Sunday 2-4 and 7-9. Donations to the L. & A. Hospital Building fund would be appreciated by the family. Masonic Service in the Funeral Home Sunday at 8 p.m.






William Dorland


At Napanee, on August 26th, Wm. Dorland McCabe, aged eighteen years.


On Monday, at the home of his parents, on Bridge street, occurred the death of William Dorland McCabe. Deceased, a bright, young man and a favorite with his companions, was for some time engaged at the printing trade in this town, but later took ill and underwent an operation in the Kingston hospital. For some time past he was a victim of that dread disease, consumption, which resulted in his death.


Aug 29 1901

Daily British Whig


William Thomas


The township of North Fredericksburgh lost one of its best known and highly esteemed residents, early Thursday morning when William Thomas McCabe passed away. The funeral will be held from his late residence at Hay Bay at 2 o’clock Saturday afternoon.

Mr. McCabe, who was well known in Napanee, had been in poor health for about seven years and had been critically ill for nine days, having suffered a stroke. He was in his 79th year and was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Wesley McCabe, the latter formerly Miss Emily Brown. He was born and had always resided in the Hay Bay district and during his lifetime had been a successful farmer. Quiet and reserved, he had a wide circle of friends and he will be greatly missed in the neighborhood.

Until the consummation of church union in 1925, Mr. McCabe was a Presbyterian, but became a member of the United Church of Canada after the union. He was a faithful member of the Sand Hill United Church. In politics he was a life-long Liberal.

In December 23, 1891, he was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Dulcina McCabe, who passed away May 11, 1930. The deceased is survived by one son, Herbert McCabe, game and fisheries inspector, Belleville; two daughters, Mrs. Ross Perry, Chatham and Miss Hazel McCabe at home. There are five grandchildren, Ralph McCabe, Malartic, Que.; Karl Perry, Chatham and the Misses Jean, Doris and Isobel McCabe, Belleville and a great-grandson, Master Donald Paul Perry, Chatham. A brother of the deceased passed away on March 23, 1913.


William T. McCabe

Napanee, March 18 – Rev. A.C. McCallum conducted the funeral of the late William T. McCabe, held from his late residence, hay Bay, Saturday afternoon. The home was filled with relatives and friends and there were several floral offerings. Interment was made in the Sand Hill Cemetery. The pall-bearers were Perry Brown, Walter Huffman, W. Humphrey, W.W. McCabe, Frank Parks and Walter Silver.


Mar 15 1940

Kingston Whig Standard


Mar 18 1940

Kingston Whig Standard


Anna E.

McCALLUM - At Napanee, on Sunday, June 25th, 1933, Anna E. McCallum.





Carrie Amelia

   * see Duffett, Carrie Amelia




McCANN - On Feb. 15 1910, Katharine, youngest daughter of Lawrence McCann.  Funeral from the residence of her father, Yonge street, Davisville, on Friday at 8.30 a.m. to St. Monica’s Church, thence to Mt. Hope Cemetery.



From the Watson Scrapbooks



  *  see McNeil, Alice (nee McCaugherty)


Edna Olive


McCAUGHERTY, Edna Olive – At Hawley on Wednesday, April 8, 1964, Edna Olive McCaugherty, wife of the late Edward Arthur McCaugherty and dear mother of William, Napanee, RR 2, Mrs. Harold Withers,(Helen), Bath, RR 2 and Percy at home, in her 85th year. Resting at her late residence for funeral service at Hawley United Church on Saturday, April 11 at 2 p.m. Rev. Joseph Price officiating. Interment St. John’s Anglican Cemetery, Bath.


Apr 9 1964

Kingston Whig Standard




Deaths -McCaugherty - At South Fredericksburgh, on Friday November 16, 1934, Edward McCaugherty in his 67th year.